King Edward VII School Magazine

Vol. XI. 
March, 1946   
No. 11.


TABLE TENNIS 169 SKETCHES BY H. REDSTON ... facing page 171


THIS term has seen the return from the forces of three more members of the Staff : Mr. Tappe, Mr. Bradley, and Mr. Cumming ; and we are very glad to have them with us again. In succession to Mr. Bowman as Senior Science Master we welcome Mr. C. W. Nicholls, M.A. (Cantab.) ; also Messrs. A. G. A. Mahon, B.A. (Oxon.), A. Woolfenden, M.A. (Oxon), and J. Siebenschein, J.U. Dr. (Prague).

* * *

A long illness has, to our great regret, deprived us of the services of Mr. Effron for the last two terms. After operations and treatment his convalescence is still slow, but we look forward to his full recovery in the near future.

* * *

Three new Prefects have been appointed this term : P. B. Buckroyd, G. T. Edwards, E. D. Peacock.

* * *

The reappearance of the outer covering of this publication marks a step towards the restoration of pre-war conditions. As we have sometimes been asked why many other school magazines appear to have preserved their shape and solidity throughout the war, we can only plead that we are subject to the ruling of our paper-controllers, and within the limits allowed to us we have kept up an output that, as regards quantity, compares favourably with that of some of our more impressive-looking contemporaries. The present format will be retained until the completion of the current four-yearly volume with next term's issue ; after which some new developments may be possible.


AT the School Chapel Service on February 17th, Mr. J. F. Wolfenden, Headmaster of Shrewsbury School, gave a short address on " Integrity." He said that the future depended on the younger generation who would need courage and imagination. The fact that the conflict in the world to-day was not clear-cut between right and wrong, but rather between different degrees of right, was causing a sort of defeatism and slipping of standards that could only be halted by everybody rigorously controlling their lives on the basis of the life and teaching of Christ. For Britain's status as a first-rate power was influenced less by her wealth or population than by the individual citizen's moral standards and outward conduct, and so on his inward character. We must each have Christ's personal integrity ; for this only could renew individual and national life.

P. J. L.


SINCE the publication of the full Roll of Honour in our December Magazine we have heard with great regret of the death of Flying Officer C. R. SIFTON. The Halifax of which he was Captain and Pilot failed to return from an operation over Hanover on the night of 5th January, 1945, and it was subsequently learned that the machine crashed at Lemgo about forty miles south-west of Hanover, where the crew are buried ; records show that the machine exploded in the air, and there can be little doubt that all the crew were killed outright, although only seven bodies out of the crew of eight are recorded to have been found. Charles Sifton left K.E.S. in March 1941 for a short course at Cambridge. In the following year he trained in South Africa, and served with Coastal Command in 1943 and with Bomber Command in 1944. We have happy memories here of his cheerful participation in musical and dramatic activities, and his many friends will join in deep sympathy for his bereaved family.


MANY Old Boys of K.E.S. will be grieved to hear of the death, on 15th February, 1946, of GEORGE McIVER, M.Sc. of Sheffield University, at the early age of 43, at Swinton.

Of quiet disposition and pleasant voice, he had a charm of personality which endeared him to his friends. He was a born schoolmaster, devoted to his work and to the pupils under his care as Science Master at Mexborough Secondary School, where, I believe, he served throughout his teaching career. His interest in K.E.S. was keen and he loved to talk of it whenever he came to see me, who have known him since 1918. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his widow and child.

H. A. S.


ON Thursday, December 13th, 1945, after a lapse of six years, the School revived the traditionary Christmas concert, which, before the war, was the second most important social event of the School year. That it had not been forgotten was proved by the large number of parents and visitors who attended this year's performance. They were in no way disappointed, for the standard set by all the performers was a high one. Indeed, the only regret I heard expressed was that it ended only too quickly.

The School Choir sang four traditional carols with a charm of execution which follows only after long assiduous practice. But greater heights were reached when, accompanied by the Orchestra, it rendered three choruses from Handel's Messiah. This work, so well known to the concert audience, always demands a high quality of performance, if it is to supply what Sir Henry Coward chose to call " thrills." Under the expert leadership of Mr. Baylis the Choir realised this aim.

W. G. Thompson (violin), Mr. A. P. Graham (clarinet), and Miss J. M. Manners each contributed, in pieces of different moods, to the success of the evening's entertainment. Form  J.1A sang two delightful songs, "Night" and Infant Joy " with great feeling and expression.

Finally, four members of 3A, P. D. Robinson, G. L. Goodman, P. W. Cross, and G. Riches presented A. P. Herbert's " The Policeman's Serenade," which certainly lived up to its sub-title of " A Grand little Opera." Robinson's corpulent policeman, with his clear enunciation, and Goodman's flirtatious Susan, whose actions left nothing to the imagination, delighted the enthusiastic audience.

The success of the concert was, in a large part, due to the fine musicianship and leadership of Mr. P. L. Baylis, whose untiring enthusiasm was an inspiration to all the performers.

P. G. H.


"JACKIE " and I board the bus which is to take us home. The conductress takes one look at my angelic face, makes her decision, and frustrates our purpose of mounting up to the top-deck by stretching out an Amazonian arm, which culminates in a hand vigorously brandishing the ticket-holder, and harshly repeats " Inside."

We meekly enter the saloon and pass right down the bus please, and have to strap-hang. Now this is somewhat unfair as we happen to know that upstairs there is ample space for two such beams as ours to repose.

Nevertheless we suffer in silence and assume a calm, imperturbable exterior.

But this conductress is determined not to play the game. for to our horror she questions our right to travel for half fare by demanding our badges. Now a conductor is allowed to do this, but for a conductress it is hardly the best procedure. A prolonged and careful search ensues in every pocket, producing quite an assortment of articles, and when the bus has been rung off from the stop it has reached, is earnestly resumed. I just happen to chance on mine in the last pocket I could have looked in, and producing half-a-crown ask for a halfpenny fare.

I stand manfully up to the torrent of womanly wisdom which descends lovingly upon me about my intelligence, and about what I happen to think myself, and having assured her that I possess no smaller coin than the afore-mentioned, am allowed a ticket and two-and-fivepence-halfpenny change.

Her attentions now turn to the hapless " Jackie " who is fishing his last possessions from his last pocket. There is no badge amongst them. Just as I am about to pass him mine, and the conductress is going to give him a three-halfpenny ticket, he stows the heap of articles into his coat pocket, thus freeing his hands, and with a look suggesting " memory recalled." turns his lapel over, where the badge is safely pinned, and softly murmurs " Special branch ! "

Having thus proved his right to travel as a half, Jackie offers her a ten-shilling note with profuse apologies, saying but for a sixpence belonging to his Aunt Esmerelda, he has no change.

The conductress says nothing, but her appearance is decidedly grim. It is legal tender after all. She carefully hands him a ticket and an armful of copper change, which when safely bestowed in his numerous pockets weighs him down a good deal.

But alas for her, the cunning counter-stroke brings disaster. Amongst several passengers who board at the next stop is a " colonelish " looking bloke who asks for a penny fare from half-a-crown. The conductress begins to summon up a fuss, but guessing what is approaching, he launches a typhoon which with constant repetitions about the soundness of the coin and the fact that he has no less, ends on the indignant note that the men are and were more polite than the women. (We tend to agree.) Thus, for us, there are a few enjoyable moments.

As we alight, however, the conductress has an unprovoked attack at us by saying " And don't you get on my bus (note 'my' bus) to-morrow neither!" As tomorrow is a Saturday half, we give her a look of pity, and go to a shop where copper coins are always needed and gratefully accepted. We come out of this, with silver instead of copper, into the light, with somewhat the opposite to the previous occasion, a something that amounts to a woman's thanks.

G. N. W. T.


MAUGHAM would have approved. A palm-leaf hut set on stilts by a jungle backwater ; gathering dusk and mosquitoes ; an oil-lamp-and three Englishmen dressed for dinner.

As the meal ended, the police commissioners arrived to invite us to see a Thai play down the river. He enquired if we were short of cigarettes, and produced fifty English Player's (source unasked). Black junks lined the banks as we glided in a perilously shallow canoe downstream, our solitary lamp attracting insects, but failing to pierce the beyond,

Landing at an evil-smelling warehouse, we stepped into a " cafe." Chinese tea was offered, and was surprisingly free of sediment, considering the condition of the river. Special seats were to be prepared for our distinguished presence, and meantime we looked in at a Chinese gambling-den adjoining. Fan-tan was in progress, and the players wore by no means related to the placid Chinese of fiction. Shouts, cat-calls, fists, all combined to drive us away inside three minutes. The commissioner explained, "It's quite legal ; the bankers pay me fifty teals a day."

As we entered the theatre-a hall thick with dust and crawling with children-the orchestra was in full combat with the audience. The hubbub in the auditorium was deafening, but the noise of tom-tom, hand-bells and xylophone split the ear-drums. A bell proclaiming the commencement of the performance brought no lessening of the din, and the opening mimes passed unheard. Apparently one play runs for four or five nights-four hours per night-and the audience are fully aware of what is happening. They take no notice of the songs, etc., but reserve their attention for well-known jokes and the inevitable fight. This grew very vicious. Some of the combatants bore marks of previous engagements, and we fled from our front-row seats before the final onslaught sent weapons flying from the stage. Our exit was as dignified as maybe, and we attracted at least a percentage of the assembled eyes away from the performers. After all, we were the real thing-they were Ruritanian.



Samuel Pepys
Progressed in great leaps ;
But it made him cough
So he put it ough.

Venus de Milo (Aphrodite)
Really ought to wear a nighty ;
It is the height of crudity
To revel in nudity.

Once upon. a time Job's mummy
Said " Look, Job's lost his dummy
If he doesn't learn to suck, he'll never make a trumpeter."
So that's why we now talk about Job's comforter.

An Independent Candidate
Must " Conserve " to pay the rate,
" Labour " all day for milk and honey,
And then be " Liberal " with his money.

Alvar Liddell
Had a voice like a bell ;
But he was sacked -
The bell cracked.

L. M.


ACROSS the intervening space, line upon line, they push
All outward barriers they swamp, and onward rush
Marshalling their ranks in warlike gleam and shine ;
Each one advancing gains in strength and hopes to crush
The barriers that form our line.

One is thus forming now, and charging straight
It gathers speed and gains continually in weight,
For as each yard is covered stronger grows their surge
Towards our dauntless front, where watchful fate,
With wanton show, their ranks shall purge.

They roll right up to us, then backward draw,
'Tis but to summon all their power, for over us they pour,
In one great, shattering blow we feel their might,
The ranks burst on to us with sullen roar And tough and toilsome is the fight.

Thus wave after wave we meet, each shock we bear,
The shattered billows turn to spray flung in the air.
We are the rocks, the constant bastions of the coast.
The ocean's challenge we accept, and dare
Thus o'er his restless army boast.

G. N. W. T.


THERE have been three visits this term up to now :
BRITISH OXYGEN Co., Jan. 23rd, 1946.
NUNNERY COLLIERY, Feb. 6th, 1946.
WALKER & HALL, Feb. 27th, 1946.

For the first time for several years we included lectures in our Programme. The first was on February 12th, when Mr. Bradley gave a very interesting and comprehensive lecture on Radar. The second lecture was by the Headmaster, who took us into the realms of nuclear physics when he talked on the Atom bomb. I should like to thank the Speakers again for two very excellent lectures.

J. J.


On the 23rd January, 1946, a party of fifteen visited the above works where the processes for preparing liquid oxygen were seen.

Air is drawn into two caustic towers down which caustic soda solution is sprayed to remove carbon-dioxide and other impurities. Thence it is compressed in four stages to 30 or 40 atmospheres pressure. This done, it passes through tubes surrounded by the air and freezes out any water. The now cooled air is made to do work as it suddenly expands to 4 atmospheres pressure. This sudden expansion cools the gas to such an extent that it liquefies. The liquid now passes to the top of a fractionating tower which contains layers of fine gauze. The nitrogen which escapes from this tower is used to cool the incoming gas.

The visit finished with a look round the cylinder testing room. The cylinders are filled with water when they are tested, which is once every two years.


On our arrival, we were taken to the undermanagers' office and allowed to change into old clothes. Then looking like a bunch of scarecrows we were taken to the lamp room and each provided with a very heavy electric lamp. It is surprising how much light these lamps give out underground. The party ascended to where the cages arrived and was duly loaded into one of the cages. We dropped 700 ft., at a speed of fifteen feet per second passing one " level " on the way down. The cage stopped at the Flockton level and we proceeded forward for about a quarter of a mile, stooping most of the way. The guide turned right and led us to where new workings were being started. We were shown a machine for digging out the dirt between the coal. It was driven by compressed air and made a noise like three or four pneumatic drills, at the same time creating a dense cloud of stone dust in the air. Further still up this side channel we met an old boy who was now a Bevin Boy.

At the face, we saw men digging the coal and heard blasting. The blasting makes very little noise but every time a blasting is fired one feels a slight thump on the ear drums.

From the coal face, we retraced our steps all the way along the silkstone level until we reached the shaft. There after a wait of about fifteen minutes we were taken to the surface. It was then about 6.15 p.m. and we had been underground for three hours, and walked about three to three and a half miles.


The first item was the smelting shop where the nickel-silver alloy was being made. This alloy contains nickel, zinc and copper only and no silver. From there we saw spoons and forks being stamped from small bars of hot metal, and spoons and forks being die-stamped. The guide then led us to the electroplating room. Here articles are suspended by means of a wire in solutions of potassium-auri and argenti-cyanide and made the cathode of the cell. A current of 5 amps. is passed and the articles are continually moved about by machinery to ensure an even deposition of the metal. We ascended several more floors and reached the roof, where we enjoyed the sensation of being nearly as high as Vulcan.

A visit to the finished articles room completed a very enjoyable visit.


AT a business meeting on January 17th when the question of amalgamation with the Student Christian Movement was raised, it was decided that the C.U. should retain its independence but that members should be encouraged to join the S.C.M. and that the C.U. should make use of S.C.M. facilities ; two representatives of the S.C.M. - P. Barthorpe and B. G. J. Hoskins - were elected to the committee, increasing it to five in number.

Our three meetings this term consisted of two talks-one on " Why be a Christian ? ':, by the Rev. C. P. Sheath, the other These Exciting Years " by the Rev. A. T. Dale-and a discussion on " The Church's Failings and their Remedy," which was opened by the Rev. W. Garlick.

The committee have decided that no meetings shall be held next term.

P. J. L.


THE first debate of this term was held on March 12th on the motion, " That the prefect system should be abolished." Mr. Watling kindly consented to act as chairman in the absence of Mr. Read.

Wright, proposing the motion, considered the system undemocratic. The prefect's privileges encouraged a form of class-distinction and their duties could easily be carried out by others. Buckroyd, in opposition, argued that the system was beneficial both to the School, in providing boys to keep discipline and organise out-of-school activities, and to the individual prefect, in giving a training in leadership. Shepherd criticised the system with reference to such topics as Room 27 and the Library, while Allan considered the method of election democratic, in so far as this is practicable, and appealed to members to vote without prejudice.

After a number of heated speeches from the floor, which tended to be personal rather than general in application, the motion was carried by eight votes to four.

P. L.


ALTHOUGH the meetings of the Gramophone Society have been hindered by a few unfortunate interruptions this term, members have continued to meet and the general tone of the meetings has been good.

The programmes have not been confined to the music of the great classical masters ; Mozart, Beethoven and the Romantics have been well represented but more works of our own time have been in evidence. This modern trend in the Society culminated in an interesting and extremely arresting talk by Geeson on Schonberg.

Not content with merely listening to great music, a branch of the Society has become interested in the art of making music. Three works have so far been attempted this term, the Mozart Clarinet Trio, the Beethoven Trio op. II and an arranged version of the Schubert octet.

Such endeavours however can only be supported by the interest of those in the School who enjoy either listening to or making music. At present there are about twelve people as members, but we have no doubt that there are many other people in the School willing to indulge their taste in whatever kind of music interests them.

Meetings are held every alternate Thursday. A larger and still more enthusiastic attendance is hoped for next term.

N. P. S.


A QUIET term on the whole - begun by a free show for members, given by the Ministry of Information. Front line battles and scientific films seemed to be the order of the day, and the programme was well received.

The first fictional film of the term was Dark Journey, featuring Conrad Veidt in a fine thriller. An innocent-looking fashion shop proved to be the centre of a network of intrigue with French and German Secret Service agents engaged in a bewildering battle of wits.

After several disappointing but unavoidable postponements, the first of a series of silent classics, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, was shown on April 2nd.

This hair-raising and nightmarish film is one of the finest examples of the silent cinema's triumphs and unfortunately is too rarely seen. Many people who had never seen a real Film made in the silent days can now appreciate that sound-films have far to go before they reach the standard of the 1920's. An introductory lecture, introducing some much needed explanations, was given by the Secretary a fortnight previously.

On the production side the Club has not been idle, the chief item on hand being the filming of events for a " Magazine of the Year," beginning with a sequence of the School Play ; some of the shots included were strongly 'reminiscent of Hollywood close-ups. The Cross Country Run and Athletic Sports are both being included in the " Magazine " and plans are afoot for more ambitious work later in the year.

T. B. C. K.


ON Monday, 4th February, in the Library, the Staff challenged the Prefects to a return match, after their defeat in the Autumn Term. Many willing hands transported the table to the Library, and though a little damage was done to surrounding furniture, it arrived safe and sound. By great ingenuity, Swindale and Allan rigged up the lighting system, and all was ready.

The first set was between Mr. Beddoe for the Staff and Tyler for the Prefects, and was the high-light of the match. Mr. Bedoe's fast forehand drives soon taxed even Tyler's stolid defence. After winning one game each, Tyler lost the third after deuce and so lost the set. Allan won the second and less exciting set against Mr. Redston. In the third set Cooper beat Mr. Davies who did well to hold his own against Cooper's forehand smashes. Horn won the two games in the fourth set against Mr. Vernon. In the fifth set Mr. Nicholls amused the spectators with a set face and determined defence. In fact his play rather belied his words when he remarked that he had never played the game before. He beat Corner in two games out of three. Milner, after losing the first game, defeated Mr. Woolfenden in the remaining two to win the set.

Score : The Staff, 2 sets ; The Prefects 4.

I. D. B. C.


BY reason of a recent reorganisation of the Sheffield Wing of the A.T.C. the King Edward VII School Flight has ceased to exist, and one of the school's contributions to the war effort has come to an end.

Soon after the formation of the A.T.C. in 1941, King Edward VII School became the Headquarters of a Squadron (No. 366) the members of which were mainly drawn from boys in the School and Old Edwardians. A year later, before the Empire Air Training Scheme was well launched and when the resources for training men for air crew duties were severely taxed, the majority of recruits for the R.A.F. were placed on deferred service. In order to provide pre-service training for these men a special squadron of the A.T.C. was formed within. the Sheffield Wing, and in this way No. 366 became a Deferred Service Squadron and King Edward VII School its Headquarters.

Boys in the School who were members of No. 366 Squadron at the time this change was made (June 1942) were re-mustered, and, largely at the instigation of the Headmaster, formed into a King Edward VII School Flight, attached to No. 364 (High Storrs) Squadron. Latterly, after the merging of Squadrons No. 364 and No. 369 in June 1945, the School Flight has been attached to No. 369 (Nether Edge) Squadron under the command of F/Lt. H. Mottershaw.

For training purposes the School Flight has virtually been an independent unit and the policy of those in charge has been directed mainly towards training its cadets for service as members of an air crew in the R.A.F. or F.A.A.

Some 11.5 boys in the School have been enrolled in the School Flight ; of these 63 have passed directly into one of the services, and 23 have received nomination for a University Short Course leading to a commission in the Royal Navy (F.A.A.) or R.A.F.

In the various inter-squadron competitions organised by the Sheffield Wing it is gratifying to note that A.T.C. cadets in the School were actively concerned

when No. 366 Squadron won the " Goodwin " bowl for Athletic Sports, and No. 364 Squadron the " Osborn " shield for swimming and the " Sheffield Telegraph and Star" cup for the most efficient squadron in the Sheffield Wing.

The last success to put on record in these notes is the individual one of Sgt. G. R. Milner, who as a representative of the N.E. Command, won the High Jump at the Inter-Command Athletic Sports Meeting held at the White City Stadium in September 1945.

As the Officer in charge of the School Flight since its formation, the writer may be permitted in conclusion to express his grateful thanks for all the generous support given to him by the officers, N.C.O.'s, and cadets of the Flight. Space will not permit mention of all those who have assisted in the activities of the A.T.C. at K.E.S., but no record would be complete without acknowledgment of the help and service rendered to so many boys entering the R.A.F. from the school in the war years by Mr. S. V. Carter who served first as the Adjutant -of No. 366 Squadron throughout its existence, and subsequently as the Adjutant of No. 364 Squadron.

A. P. G.


T HIS season the number of players has been small, but the atmosphere has been very keen. A competition arranged between the members is not yet completed. So far Robinson P. D. (III A) has the distinction of having played the greatest number of games and won all of them.

In the School Library on Friday, March 1st, we played a hard-fought match against a team from the City Grammar School (Leopold St.). There were two masters and four boys on each side, and the result was a draw. The individual scores were

Lamb, P. (VI), 0 ; Tyler, D. N. (VI), 1 ; Robinson, P. D. (III A), I ; Carding-Wells J. R. (V), 0 ; Mr. Nicholls, 0 ; Mr. Redston, 1.

We should like larger numbers to avail themselves of the opportunity of playing Chess on Fridays. Improvement in the game will be much more rapid when each one is able to meet a greater variety of opponents.



WITH the camping season in the offing once again, we can look back on a successful passage through the rather trying autumn and Lent terms, when our outdoor activities were necessarily limited.

The innovation of having two sections for meetings has fully justified itself in that it has provided a change, and thus forestalled that staleness which is almost inevitable otherwise.

Perhaps the most notable activity of the term has been our use of the Den for weekly meetings of the Troop elders. We were glad to have the G.S.M. with us for one very enjoyable meeting and hope to be able to invite members of the other Troops in due course.

The Easter holidays, though short, promise some good outdoor activities. The Seniors, accompanied by Mr. G. N. G. Smith are going to brave the elements and hike along Hadrian's Wall from Newcastle to Carlisle. Simultaneously A. D. Barker is running a camp at Youlgreave for some of the younger brethren. May the gods grant us all good weather.

In deciding to return to Ross-on-Wye this summer we respectfully ask parents to let their sons attend the camp if possible. The good times we had there last year more than justify this request. A circular will be sent out at the beginning of the summer term giving details.


" B " TROOP.

This term the Juniors have continued successfully with the general test and badge work, and as the days draw out will be able to get about more outside. The patrol logbooks of the outdoor activities are very good ; last year the Antelope Patrol under J/T/L. Gill won the Outdoor Trophy, with the Foxes second and Curlews third ; congratulations on a very fine performance. Several Scouts are within easy reach of their first-class and more can begin to attempt the harder proficiency badges, particularly the Outdoor ones.

The Court of Honour is functioning well and the Patrol Leaders are doing their jobs efficiently. The Seconds must realise more that they hold this position and that they are future P/Ls.

The Seniors have spent a fairly easy term on the equipping of the Den, and have on occasion done notable work on the Crypt. Jameson manages to attend in between his other activities and we are glad to have Smith with us again, hoping his recovery is now full and complete. We congratulate T/L. Wreghitt on his outstanding football and running this year, and look forward to his further achievements.

The Easter Training Camp is to be held at Barlborough Hall. We hope for some overdue good weather so that we can get a lot of Outdoor Scouting done. At Whitsuntide we shall again camp at Barlborough, an excellent site, and hope to have all our new Scouts with us. Parents are invited to visit these camps and to ask about all our arrangements so that they may be satisfied and allow their boys to go. Please bear in mind that Camping is our main activity and is of the utmost importance in completing the Scout training. This summer we are hoping to camp on the south coast, in Dorset, and again we ask that parents will allow their boys to go. Full details will be published soon.

J. S. H.


During the term a few alterations have taken place in the Section. Reeve, our A.S.M., has joined the Army and is at present hoping for a commission. The good wishes of the Section and a hope for his speedy return go with him to his new sphere of activity. A new Committee has also been elected, consisting of Cooper, Fry, and Craig. This elected Committee will manage the affairs of the Section for the coming term.

Meetings are held regularly in the Den on Sunday evenings and the attendance is a sign of their popularity. At present we are experiencing almost insurmountable difficulties in obtaining a table-tennis table, and any help in this direction would be much appreciated. Chess has recently come into vogue and we possess several formidable exponents of the art.

Future activities envisaged include a week's camp at Sawdon at Easter and our annual Summer camp is to be held in Somerset or Herefordshire. The arrangement, so popular last August, of a " rendezvous hike " and a week's standing camp is to be tried again.

Finally, the Section wish Mr. Griffiths success in the gruelling examination which he has recently taken.

D. G. C.



1 AND 2. AT LONGSHAW, JAN., 1946.      3. `A' TROOP DEN.   4. `A' TROOP 4N THE HUT No,, 1945.


Painting by M H E Watson, 2A


Painting by J Hazel, 3A


(Sketched by H. Redston)


T K.E.S. v. Repton. March 27th, 1946.

THESE Sports were exciting and gratifying in every way, and those who made the tortuous journey out to Norton were well rewarded for their effort.

Repton thoroughly deserved their three victories, and we deserved ours, both in individual events and in the whole meeting. There were many excellent races for second and third places, if not always for first. Saunders, of Repton, in the Mile, and Milner of K.E.S., in the High Jump, produced the two best results of the day, but there were several other promising competitors to be seen. Parkin pulled off a fine double and seems to be improving ; he was ably assisted by Merrills, who made full use of the inside of the first bend of the Quarter, to make the Repton folk run very wide. Wood put up a good fight in the Half, and Cooper's spirited burst at the end provided a considerable thrill. Wreghitt's Mile would have been good enough to win in most inter-schools matches. Apart from our luck in drawing inside position there were two decisive factors in the Relay--efficient baton-changing by K.E.S., and a fine recovery of ground by Corner, running fresh in the third " log," There is much to be said for having more than one of these Relays, which are the finest team events of the day, and provide spectators with four good races in rapid succession.

H. A. B.
100 YARDS.
1st Parkin (K.E.S.), 2nd Daintry (Repton), 3rd Lindley (K.E.S.). Time 11 1/5 secs.
1st Richardson (Repton), 2nd Wood (K.E.S.), 3rd Cooper (K.E.S.). Time 2 mina., 11 3/5 secs.
1st Milner (K.E.S.), 2nd Pearson (K.E.S.), 3rd Ross (Repton). Height 5 ft. 5.5 ins.
1st Parkin (K.E.S.), 2nd Mark (Repton), 3rd Merrills (K.E.S.). Time 57 4/5 sees.
1st Bishop (Repton), 2nd Corner (K.E.S.), 3rd Milner (K.E.S.). Distance 37 ft. 2} ins.
1st Saunders (Repton), 2nd Wreghitt (K.E.S.), 3rd Connell (Repton). Time 4 minx. 48 3/5 sees.
1st Pearson (K.E.S.), 2nd Milner (K.E.S.), 3rd Bishop (Repton). Distance 16 ft. 10 ins.
HALF MILE RELAY. (4 x 220 yds.).
1st K.E.S. (Lindley, Merrills, Corner, Parkin). 2nd Repton. Time 1 min. 43 3/5 sees. Points were :- 5 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd, 7 for Relay.

TOTAL POINTS. K.E.S. 46. Repton 24.



IN this event the School team was placed 7th out of eleven teams. The start was rather crowded and a number of runners in all teams were trampled on, and on the whole the course was a stiff one. Law and Wreghitt ran well to be placed high up in the competition, which was won by Repton. The scoring members of our team were placed as follows : D. C. Law, 3rd; P. H. Wreghitt, 11th; D. W. Wood, 49th,: G. N. W. Tilsley, 52nd.


We reverted to the pre-war course, with more grass and plough but less asphalt. It was gruelling, but easier on the feet. Law was unfortunately prevented from running, so that Wreghitt lost the chance of a duel with him, and took a secure lead in the first half-mile, winning decisively. The order of the other leaders was not established until the top of Hangram Lane was reached ; and even after that their calculations were upset by D. W. Wood. This gentleman, having reached second place at Quiet Lane, fell back to 10th across the fields ; regained a few places up Porter Clough, and lost them again before Hangram Lane ; he came up from 7th to 2nd in the last quarter of a mile.

The Inter-House Race was a closer competition than usual, although Arundel were clear winners in the end, and deserved their victory on the day.

In the Under 14 Race, Peterken, Charles and Fletcher, all of Lynwood, were well clear of the rest, and had a good race amongst themselves. It is hardly surprising that Lynwood were the winning team, although Sherwood, by good packing, challenged them seriously. It would be interesting to know if any House has provided first three men home in any previous year ; in any case, a fine performance.


SENIOR : 1. P. H. Wreghitt (A) 27 min. 45 sees. 2. D. W. Wood (H). 3. G. N. W. Tilsley (L). 4. G. S. Colebrook (Ch.). 5. J. E. Cooper (Wel.). 6. M. A. Robinson (A). 7. T. E. Kinsey (Ch.).

1. Arundel (1, 6, 8, 21, 25, 43)
2. Chatsworth (4, 7, 18, 27, 33, 36)
3. Clamber (15, 16, 22, 23, 26, 32)
4. Welbeck (5, 10, 13, 17, 40, 56)
5. Lynwood (3, 14, 29, 30, 42, 45)
6. Sherwood (9, 12, 19, 34, 41, 50)
7. Wentworth (11, 20, 24, 31, 35, 47)
8. Haddon (2, 28, 37, 38, 72, 73)
UNDER 14 : 1. G. S. Peterken (L) 16 min. 45 sec.
2. D. A. Charles (L). 3. P. K. Fletcher (L).
1. Lynwood (1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 30)
2. Sherwood (4, 6, 12, 14, 16, 20)
3. Clumber (11, 17, 18, 27, 33, 34)
4. Arundel (5, 21, 22, 31, 37, 39)
5. Chatsworth (7, 10, 32, 40, 47, 53)
6. Haddon (8, 23, 25, 38, 45, 52)
7. Welbeck (19, 29, 41, 44, 49, 50)
8. Wentworth (9, 28,'56, 70, 76, 78)

FULL COLOURS have been awarded to P. H. Wreghitt and D. C. Law.

HALF COLOURS have been re-awarded to D. W. Wood and awarded to G. N. W. Tilsley, G. S. Colebrook, J. E. Cooper, T. E. Kinsey, and M. A. Robinson.

H. A. B.
I. D. B. C.


COMING back all too soon after Christmas we were faced with a term of unprecedented length at the darkest and coldest time of the year, a time when germs are usually out to do their worst ; while over the heads of some of us hung the dreaded threat of the Common Entrance examination.

But now, looking back on all these terrors, we have to admit that we have had a very good term. The winter wasn't so cold as it might have been, and the germs were beaten off with very few casualties on our side. Part I-even Part II for one or two lucky ones-of the examination has already come and gone, and, secretly, we think we have done rather well.

In sport, too, we have had an enjoyable time. The football league competition was successfully concluded, Osborn being good winners. Our match with Birkdale had, unfortunately, to be cancelled owing to the snow, but at least it gave us the occasion of some energetic 1st XI trial games.

For our Cross-country run we were lucky to have a wonderful afternoon, brilliant sunshine greeting the Headmaster when he came up to Whiteley Woods to start the big field of 135 runners. Osborn were again the successful house ; but their favourite, Wills, C. J., was unexpectedly held to second place by an Angle, Gregory, J. A., who ran a fine, plucky race, to help his house to gain second position. One feature of the race was the number of J2 boys who finished prominently ; a fact which augurs very well for our prospects next year.

We were all very sorry to say good-bye, at the end of February, to Miss Parke. Her gay and energetic personality made her popular with everybody. In her place we welcome Mr. J. C. Hemming, who had just been demobilised after serving as a Captain, R.A., throughout the invasion campaign in Europe.

The terminal examinations are now upon us, and with these and the athletic sports we shall have plenty of interest until we break up for what we hope will be a jolly good Easter holiday.


                        1ST XI.           

  W. L. D. F. A. Pts.
1. Osborn 6 0 2 29 3 14
2. Normans ... 4 2 2 13 5 10
3. Angles 3 3 2 12 4 8
4. Britons 3 3 2 9 11 8
5. Saxons 0 8 0 1 41 0


  W. L. D. F. A. Pts.
1. Osborn 4 1 3 14 6 11
2. Britons 2 2 4 9 8 8
3. Angles 3 3 2 8 10 8
4. Norman ... 3 4 1 10 15 7
5. Saxons 2 4 2 10 12 6


1. Osborn 46 pts.
2. Angles 66 pts.
3. Normans 107 pts.
4. Britons 122 pts.
5. Saxons 123 pts.

1st : Gregory, J. A., 2nd : Mills, C. J., 3rd: Downend, G. E.



T HE 1st XI., under the enthusiastic captaincy of Horn, have had a good season, with some notable victories against Repton 2nd XI., Bootham and Ackworth. They lost two keen games to Barnsley Grammar School, a good side, and one close game against Woodhouse Grammar School.

Allan has played well at Centre Half, Wood has been a good Outside Right, centring well and taking his opportunities of cutting in to score. Lindley has developed into an aggressive Centre Forward and a fine shot, and Wreghitt is developing into a good constructive Inside Left. There is the material on which to build a very good side next year.


  P. W. D. L. For Against
1st XI 18 12 0 6 92 46
2nd XI 9 4 0 5 29 18
Under 15 XI 4 1 0 3 12 14
Under 14 XI. 8 6 0 2 36 13

1st XI


Team.-Parkin, Corner, Merrills, Lewis, Allan, Horn, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Nicholson, Lindley, Wood.

The School lost the toss, and kicked off towards the brook. Immediately, Nicholson was unlucky not to open the scoring, when, from an oblique angle he sent in a hard shot, which just grazed the far post, with the goalkeeper well beaten. Woodhouse then began to press very hard, but were prevented from scoring by a solid defence in which Lewis and Allan were very prominent. After half-time both teams played hard open football ; then there was a change, Allan picked up a loose ball in his own half and after advancing towards the Woodhouse goal, he sent in a very hard shot which curled in the wind and went inside the goalpost for a well deserved goal. Inspired by this goal Wreghitt quickly added another to make the
Final Score K.E.S., 2; Woodhouse, 0.


Team.-Parkin, Corner, Merrills, Lewis, Horn, Swallow, Colebrook., Wreghitt, Nicholson, Lindley, Wood.

Barnsley attacked straight from the kick-off, and in five minutes the School were two goals down. The School fought back valiantly and in fifteen minutes Wreghitt reduced the arrears when the Barnsley goalkeeper dropped the ball in front of his goal. Barnsley, however, soon increased their lead from a free kick for hands, just outside the penalty area. Before half-time both defences were often at fault, and a glut of goals resulted ; three for the School, all scored by Wreghitt, and two more for Barnsley. Half-time : K.E.S., 4 ; Barnsley, 5.

Immediately after the resumption of play the Barnsley attack bored through the School defence, and their centre forward shot hard, Parkin caught the ball, but the force of the shot made it spin out of his hands into the goal. Shortly afterwards after a delightful triangular movement between Lewis, Wreghitt and Colebrook, on the left wing, Colebrook added another goal. Barnsley quickly retaliated and added two further goals before full time.

Final Score : K.E.S. 5, Barnsley 8.


Team.-Parkin, Corner, Grant, Lewis, Merrills, Horn, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Nicholson, Wood.

For this game the School experimented with Lindley at centre forward, and the excellent result is apparent from the score. The team played better than for some time, there was an active understanding between defence and attack, and the finishing of the forward line in front of goal was extremely good. The rather weak Chesterfield defence was spread-eagled again and again, and the School took advantage of this, and scored nine goals, of which the three best were, a superb header by Lindley from a Colebrook corner, a high shot from Colebrook on the wing right over the goalkeeper's head, and a tap into the corner of the net by Nicholson after a long solo dribble. Chesterfield scored their only goal after 70 minutes, when Parkin fumbled a clearance.

Final Score : K.E.S. 9 Chesterfield 1. Scorers : Lindley 4, Colebrook 2, Nicholson 2, Wreghitt 1.


Team..-Merrills, Corner, Grant, Lewis, Allan, Edwards, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Horn, Wood.

The School lost the toss and kicked off towards Derbyshire. The ground was very heavy, and after three minutes the ball stuck in the mud when a Club defender tried to clear it, Wood who was in close attendance lost no time in slamming it into the net. Two minutes later the Club put themselves level when Merrills, in catching a rising shot, had the misfortune to see the greasy ball slip out of his fingers into the goal. The School scored another lucky goal soon afterwards, for when Horn passed the ball across the goal mouth it hit a Club defender and was deflected into the net. For the rest of the half the play was mostly in the School's half and had it not been for some sterling play by Allan the Club would have scored far more than the four goals which they obtained before half-time. In the second half the School attacked ceaselessly but without much result, whereas the Club much against the run of play added two more lucky goals, one of which Corner deflected into his own goal. Just before time Lindley beat the goalkeeper to a pass from Wreghitt and slid the ball into the goal.

Final Score : K.E.S. 3, Sheffield Club 6.


Team.-Parkin, Merrils, Corner, Edwards, Allan, Lewis, Wood, Horn, Lindley, Wreghitt, Colebrook.

Having lost the toss the School kicked off against the slope and the elements. Play was slow, due to the thick mud, and play was concentrated on the wings. Woodhouse forced a scrimmage in the School goal mouth, and the ball shot out into the goal. Again in this half, Woodhouse found the net from a smart wing movement. The School forwards made several attempts on the Woodhouse goal, but were unrewarded. The defence successfully beat off the home attack for the rest of this half. Half-time : K.E.S. 0, Woodhouse 2. From a foul given against Horn the ball went to the wing, whence it reached goal. The element of surprise was the reason for this goal. School broke away from the kick-off, and a clever interpassing movement led to a goal by Wreghitt. Woodhouse, in a melee in the School penalty-area, were awarded a penalty. Parkin made a brilliant save, pushing the ball round the post., but the kick was re-awarded as Allan had crossed the line too early. Parkin this time smothered the ball, and Merrills cleared. Horn gathered the ball, dribbled down-field. and scored. For such a light team the School showed good form under highly oppressive conditions.

Result : K.E.S. 2. Woodhouse 3. Scorers : Wreghitt, Horn.


Team.-Parkin, Corner, Merrills, Lewis Edwards, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Horn, Wood.

Horn lost the toss, and the School kicked off uphill against a strong wind. The wind played havoc with the ball, which was blown about haphazardly, and as a result of this the School scored their first goal. A long centre from Wood was blown away from the goalkeeper, the ball landed at Wreghitt's feet, and he made no mistake with a hard shot. The Training College equalised a few minutes later when Parkin misjudged an easy shot. The College attacked determinedly after this and they scored two more goals before half time, even though Allan and Lewis were playing at the top of their form. Wreghitt reduced the arrears before half-time with a left foot shoot. from outside the penalty area. Immediately after half tine Wood, who had frequently beaten his opposing back, lobbed the ball into the back of the net from an oblique angle, to make the score even. Lindley put the School ahead after 70 minutes, but the Training College equalised soon after from a penalty. Two minutes from time Lindley scored the winning goal, when he deceived the goalkeeper into coming out of his goal, and then just tapped the ball past him.

Final Score : K.E.S. 5, City Training College 4.


Team. - Merills, Corner, Grant, Lewis, Allan, Edwards, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Horn, Wood.

This game produced some very fast open football from both sides. The school's victory must be attributed to the way in which every pass each player distributed invariably reached its target. The School opened the scoring after 10 minutes when Wood sent in a lovely pas, from the wing, the goalkeeper caught it, but dropped it when Wreghitt charged him, and Wreghitt pushed it into an empty goal. Half-time - K.E.S. 1, University 0. Shortly after the interval Horn, who had worked like a Trojan helping both the defence and the attack, was unlucky not to score, when his rising shot skimmed over the cross-bar. After 65 minutes Wood, with good anticipation, ran into the centre and slammed a pass from Colebrook well past the goalkeeper. The University rallied after this and put on two quick goals, which brought them level. Both sides pressed very hard to get a winning goal, and a minute from time with about seven School players in the University goalmouth there was a melee on the goal line, in which Wreghitt managed to push the ball into the net.

Final Score : K.E.S. 3, Sheffield University 2nd XI 2.


Team.-Merrills, Corner, Grant, Lewis, Allan, Edwards, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Horn, Wood.

This game was very keenly contested, the School carried the honours in the first half and our opponent did so in the second half. The first goal came after five minutes, when Wood who was enjoying the freedom of a large pitch, outstripped his opposing back for speed and forced a corner. His inswinger dropped at Wreghitt's feet, and the latter kicked the ball into the net with consummate ease. The School then exerted great pressure and after fifteen minutes Colebrook raced down the wing, evaded two defenders and centred for Wreghitt to volley in a second goal. It was ding-dong football for the rest of the half with both defences coming out on top. For the School Edwards and Lewis both cleared and tackled with great vigour and success. Then the School suffered an eclipse, and in spite of some brilliant goal keeping by Merrills the Training College scored four goals, one brilliant header from a corner especially deserves mention. To this onslaught the School could only reply with a single goal from Lindley who threw himself and the ball into the goal in attempting to evade an advancing goalkeeper.

Final Score : K.E.S. 3, City Training College 4.


Team.-Merrills, Corner, Grant, Lewis, Allan, Edwards, Colebrook, Wreghitt, Lindley, Horn, Wood.

The School won the toss, and on a very heavy ground decided to kick towards the brook. The play was very scrappy for the first twenty-five minutes, neither side being able to make much headway in the mud. The School went ahead however when Lindley barged the goalkeeper who had the ball in his hands : the slippery ball fell out of his grasp, and Lindley was able to tap it into the net. Five minutes later Wreghitt scored a second goal in exactly the same manner. High Storrs then began to attack in earnest mainly down the left wing, but Edwards and Grant managed to halt most of the attacks before they developed into anything dangerous, although Livingstone occasionally got one or two dangerous centres across, and Corner had to clear once off the goal line with Merrills well beaten. In the second half the football improved, and the School added two really good goals. The first was scored by Lindley, but was really made by Wood, who ran at high speed down his wing and centred from the corner flag, the ball went right across the goal month and Colebrook had only to tap the ball to Lindley who was unmarked. The second was again from a centre by Wood whose pass found Colebrook unattended. High Storrs only goal was a gift goal from Grant who, in passing back to his goalkeeper put the ball well wide of Merrils into the goal. However this unfortunate incident didn't influence the result.

Final Score K.E.S. 4, High Storrs C. S. 1.


The only match played this term was against High Storrs on 23rd February.

Lost 2-0.


THERE has been only one match this term, the return fixture at home against High Storrs under 15 XI. We were beaten by the odd goal, after being one goal up at half-time. This was a much more creditable result than the away match before Christmas. Next year most of the present team will be too old for this eleven. Appended is a short critique of the members of the team.

M. B. THORNELOE. An excellent captain, capable and a very good manager of his team. A hard-working centre-half.

J. D. BARKER. A useful right-back.

J. B. CROWE. Somewhat inclined to wander out of his position of outside-left.

R. S. GILL. A useful right-winger. His speed and thrust have been effective,

R. J. MILLER. A hard worker ; always on the ball. Useful as a left-half.

O. HILLER. Promises well as a left-wing player. Is always on the ball.

R. H. JACKSON. Plays quite well at right half. He should be careful about " feeding " his forwards and might pay more attention to following-up the ball.

A. A. MOUSLEY. Plays consistently well as centre-forward. Tackles well and is useful in front of goal.

D. L. KENNY. Might develop more thrust. At times he seems to be somewhat erratic.

S. ROBINSON. Speaking generally, a very staunch player, though at times he is somewhat erratic.

D. N. SHIMWELL. A consistently good goal-keeper. He should do very well in the future.

C. S. A.


v. High Storrs. Lost 3-1.

A high wind spoiled this match in which the School were unlucky to lose by a margin of two goals.

W. L. E. W.



Activities at the beginning of the term were concentrated on football, and we have had a fairly successful season. The 1st XI was placed fourth in the House League, the 2nd XI sixth, and the 3rd XI, having won all its matches and scored 54 goals against 8, gained the 3rd XI Cup. This success gives us great hope for the future, as the team was composed of 2nd and 3rd form boys. In the Cross Country Run, Arundel maintained its tradition. The Senior team won the event. Wreghitt ran extremely well and was the first home by 200 yards. Robinson and Needham were 6th and 8th respectively. The Junior team was placed fourth, P. G. Dickens securing 5th place. By the time this appears in print, the Athletic Sports will have been held, and we hope to have kept the House well up in the Competition. Next term we must all pull our weight in the Cricket and Swimming, and in spite of losing most of last year's team we hope to retain the Water Polo Cup, as well as placing more trophies in the cupboard. We were glad to see G. H. Robinson on leave from the R.A.F. recently. France has left us for commerce and we wish him all luck.


The House 1st XI has fought a losing battle against large odds, but has played a good game. The 2nd XI has done a little better, and next season should see the evolution of a good 1st XI. We have lost some of our weight in the Tug-of-War team, but with what strength we can muster we stand a good chance of retaining for another year the cup that we pulled into our cupboard last time. Congratulations to D. C. Law on his position in the Public Schools Cross Country. It was most unfortunate for the House that he was unable to run in the School C.C. as his position would probably have brought victory into our grasp. Congratulations to the rest of the team on putting up such a good show, and to Colebrook and Kinsey on being awarded their Half-Colours. Next term we have the Water Polo and Cricket Cups to fight for. It is a few years since we have had the Water Polo Cup in our cupboard and it is about time that Arundel relinquished their hold on it. With training we should be able to beat our own record for the senior Relay Race, which we set up last cur. There are the makings in the House of some good swimmers and I advise anybody who is really keen to come to the baths any Monday night at 5.20 for training and tuition from Mr. Price. We shall have to fight to retain our Swimming Cups this year, and the one way to do it is by training.. In the hope that our eyesight is better than last year, we may look forward, with no little optimism, to putting up a good show with the willows this season. We have a good team and it will be our own fault if we fail to win the Cup. Congratulations to Buckroyd on being made a Prefect, and best of luck to the House in the coming term.


Unfortunately our expectations of last term were not realised. The 1st and 2nd XI's, playing below their previous strength, both lost several matches this term and so could not retain their hold on the League leadership and had to be content with second places Nevertheless  it was a fine effort for all teams to be so well placed. This is the direct outcome of the keenness of the House which has been so evident- this year.

At the beginning of the term we were sorry to lose Nicholson who was such an invaluable member to the House. He was an excellent centre-forward for the School and House ; a bowler who made many a batsman feel uncomfortable as his " bumpers " whistled by ; and a good runner. In the Cross Country our moderate teams did surprisingly well to be placed third; in their respective races. In the Senior Race Crowe especially must be congratulated on his fine effort.. In the Under 14 Race Wilson deserves special mention. He should gain a leading place next year. At the time of writing, training is in progress for the Athletic Sports and it will be the duty of every Clumberite to see that the Trophy stays in our possession for another year. The House contains two useful athletes in Parkin and Pearson, who we all hope will win their respective events. Taken all round, the House is enjoying memorable times, for it holds a leading position in every sphere of activity.


This term the 1st XI has moved up from second to first place in the League. After our victory over the leaders, Clumber, we improved steadily and won all this term's matches, finishing with a fine record, as the tables show. The team have all played well, particularly Siddell and Furniss, and the forwards have combined in some very good movements. The younger members of the XI should do even better in another season. The 2nd and 3rd XI's have tried hard and have done quite well considering their age. The keenness of the House has improved, and now we hear less often the melancholy cry of "no boots". Content with our success in the football field, the House seems to have relaxed, and the only notable features of the Cross Country were the excellent performances of Wood, who was second in the Senior, and of H. G. Beeley, eighth in the Junior Race. We hope to see greater merit in the coming Sports, including the holding of the Half-mile Handicap, and our heavyweight team will, we hope, triumph in the Tug-of-War. Finally, we wish good luck to the Cricket teams next season and hope for success in Swimming; and Water Polo. We heartily congratulate Wood on the reaward of his Football Colours, and Siddell and Furniss on the award of Second Eleven Colours.


This term we welcome Mr. Graham as Housemaster, and welcome back Mr. Bradley as House Tutor. The House football was satisfactory, though the 3rd XI were very poorly placed. The younger members of the House must try to pull their weight more in the activities of the House, especially in team games. In some measure, however, they atoned for their faults on the football field by winning the Under 14, Cross Country. In particular, mention must be made of Peterken, Charles, and Fletcher, who gained the first three places. . The seniors were not so successful, although Tilsley set a good example. We must congratulate Corner on his appointment as Head Prefect, Lindley on being awarded 1st XI Football Colours, and Tilsley on being awarded Cross Country Half-Colours.


There has been very little football this term owing to inclement weather, and the few games that have been played have only added to the defeats of the House, despite the enthusiasm of the greater proportion of the players. The Senior Cross Country team had little more success than the football XI's, coming in 6th, although Kenny finished 9th, closely followed by Marsh who was 12th. The Under 14 team, however, was 2nd, Valantine arriving 4th and Holmes 6th. There have been large entries for the Sports,; and we hope to see the House successful in several events. The congratulations of the House are extended to G. B. Marsh on being elected House Swimming Captain and we wish him and his team success next term.


Congratulations are due to the 2nd XI on their unbroken series of victories which has brought the Cup  to the House. The 1st and 3rd XI's have not distinguished themselves but have enjoyed their games and shown plenty of team spirit. Throughout the season we have had no difficulty on turning out three: XI's and Lewis had been an efficient Captain of Football. In the Cross Country Run we had J. E. Cooper; (House Captain of Athletics), Baker, Byrne and Hydes in the first seventeen but unfortunately there was no one to back them up. The House was placed 4th. Entries for the Athletic Sports have been quite good and we have talent amongst our members. ; Next term we look forward to Cricket and Swimming, the two sports in which we are strongest. The House congratulates Peacock on being made a Prefect ; and we should like to take this opportunity of saying  how glad we are to have our House Tutor, Mr. Cumming, back with us once more.


As regards football, this term has been much more satisfactory than last ; absences have been fewer and enthusiasm greater. The 1st XI, which collected ten miserable points last term, has gained seven out of ten since Christmas. The team has played with greater cohesion and spirit and brought off a notable feat in defeating Lynwood by one goal to nil, the writer hereof still bearing a souvenir from that great struggle. The Sixth: Form half-back line contributed a great deal to this recent improvement. Hallows has played consistently well, and Clark has been an excellent goalkeeper, whilst the presence of Adamson's foot on our opponent's goal-line has been extremely useful to our goal-average. As usual, our 2nd XI has not distinguished itself, but the 3rd XI has done quite well-as is customary in this House. We may point to Heeley and Standring as promising footballers for next season's campaign.; So much for football. Our Cross Country teams did not do very well although Adamson and Prideaux were in the first few of the Senior Race. The disappointing running of one of the foremost members of the House caused great sorrow to another member who had reasons for wishing him winner. Now let our members put forward their energies in the Athletic Sports ; we have little outstanding; talent, but team spirit is just as important, and that is at our disposal if we are only keen enough. Come, ye Wentworthians, and let us have a little laborem strenuum for a change!


1ST XI's. P. W. D. L. F A Pts.
1.. Haddon ... 14 12 1 1 55 17 25
2. Clumber 14 11 1 2 67 17 23
3. Lynwood 14 9 1 4 30 22 19
4. Arundel ... 14 7 1 6 36 37 15
5. Chatsworth 14 6 0 8 40 42 12
6. Wentworth 14 4 1 9 33 46 9
7. Welbeck 14 3 1 10 44 69 7
8. Sherwood 14 0 2 12 10 74 2
2ND XI'S.             
1. Welbeck 12 12 0 0 67 21 24
2. Clumber 12 9 0 3 91 22 18
3. Chatsworth 12 6 2 4 56 31 14
4. Haddon 12 6 1 5 36 40 13
5. Lynwood 12 4 4 4 41 51 12
6. Arundel 12 2 2 8 28 47 6
7. Wentworth 12 1 3 8 19 61 5
8. Sherwood 12 0 1 11 8 81 1
3RD XI's.             
1. Arundel 12 12 0 0 63 8 24
2. Wentworth 12 7 2 3 35 26 16
3. Welbeck 12 6 3 3 30 19 15
4. Clumber 12 5 2 5 21 29 12
5. Haddon 12 5 1 6 16 26 11
6. Chatsworth 12 4 2 6 27 25 10
7. Sherwood 12 2 2 8 20 42 6
8. Lynwood 12 2 1 9 22 38 5


Brigadier E. T. WILLIAMS, D.S.O., C.B.E., has been made Companion of the Bath, and his younger brother, Major J. H.. WILLIAMS, has been awarded the M.B.E.

* * *

Capt. M. H. HIPKINS, Royal Signals, has been awarded the M.B.E. in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in N.W. Europe.

* * *

Major R. O. BARKER, R.A.S.C., previously Mentioned in Despatches, has been awarded the M.B.E. for gallant and distinguished services while serving with the Guards Armoured Division in N.W. Europe. He was modest about his award and all that he would tell us was that " the prowess of the fighting troops demanded that those in the Division's services should go on trying all the time so that the fellows who did the fighting shouldn't be let down."

* * *

Major JOHN WOLLERTON, Hallamshire Battalion, York and Lanes. Regt., has been awarded the M.C. He has also been Mentioned in Despatches more than once. He is still serving with the army of occupation in Germany.

* * *

Lieut-Colonel A. G. DAWTRY, R.A., has been Mentioned in Despatches for the second time for services in the Italian campaign, and has been awarded the M.B.E.

* * *

Lieut-Colonel R. INMAN, R.A., previously awarded the M.B.E., has been awarded the C.B.E.

* * *

Lieut-Colonel K. G. A. BARLOW, M.B.E., had a distinguished record of service with the R.A.M.C. Joining as Lieutenant in 1939, he served in France and the Middle East. In 1943 he was recalled to help equip and organise medical service for the Middle East, and later lectured to the B.M.A. on this subject. He also served in the German campaign, when he was promoted to his present rank.

* * *

COLIN WINDLE, a well-known amateur actor (since his discovery by the K.E.S. Dramatic Society), helped to brighten life in Mombassa and Nairobi as a producer of shows under Army Entertainments and Welfare. He is now back on the active list of Croft House Operatic Society.

* * *

Sec.-Lt. J. D. STRINGER, R.E., is attached to Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sapper and Miner Group, Royal Indian Engineers.

* * *

Other service details

F. L. EASTWOOD, Staff Sergt., R.A.O.C., Lagos.

J. E. THOMPSON, Sec.-Lt., 4th Prince of Wales Own, Gurkha Rifles.

P. R. W. EARL, Sub-Lt., Fleet Air Arm. I. R. ALEXANDER, Sergt., R.A.S.C. J. LINACRE, Major, R.A.M.C.

* * *

J. T. MARSH swam second in 50 metres Breast Stroke, National Sea-Cadet Championships, at Blackpool, October, 1945.

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G. F. E. RAMSDEN is Government Medical Inspector at Khartoum.

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Rev. E. M. TURNER has been appointed Rector of Eyam.

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J. C. STERNDALE BENNETT, M.C., C.M.G., head of the Far Eastern Department of the Foreign Office, accompanied Mr. Ernest Bevin on his recent mission to Moscow.

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