King Edward VII School Magazine

 VOL. IX] 
[No. 1

E. NAGLE, H. Y. LARDER, T. H. MILLER (acting).

Hon. Sec.,


School Notes 1 Fives Notes 24
H B Watkins 4 Scouting 25
Sheffield University Letter 9 Scientific Society .. 29
Oxford Letter 10 The School Orchestra 32
Cambridge Letter 11 Library Notes 32
Personal 12 House Notes 36
The Problem of India 13 Crossword Puzzle 39
The School Play 17 Notices 40
Football 19   

School Notes.

AT the beginning of the term we received the sad, though not unexpected, news of the death of Mr. David R. Green, who had been forced to relinquish his work a year ago owing to an illness from which he never made any considerable recovery. A former pupil writes in grateful appreciation of his activities : " both in the more serious and the lighter sides of school life, in which he strove to make the life of those around him happy, both by judicious treatment of his subject and by those pleasant excursions which he organised abroad, in our own county of Yorkshire, and other places near at hand." We would associate ourselves with these tributes, and offer our sincere sympathy to his relatives.

* * * *

The tragic and incalculable accident which resulted in the death of Hermann Glauert concerned us also, though less intimately. H. Glauert was a distinguished Edwardian of the early days, leaving the School with a mathematical scholarship to Trinity, Cambridge, in 1910. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society, principal scientific officer at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, and no less than an international authority on aeronautical science. He was killed by a chance fragment of a tree that was being blown up on Aldershot Common.

* * * *

Over and above these shadows has come the heaviest loss of all in the death of our beloved Mr. Watkins, with whom a part of the School's flesh and blood seems to have been torn away. To the record and appreciation of his life which will be found on a later page we may perhaps add our grateful memories, on behalf of readers of this Magazine, of the wise and happy wit which was wont to express itself in modest unsigned contributions to these pages. They were happy moments for editors when a foolscap sheet of that meticulous handwriting would find its way stealthily into their hands. It was only a small part of his unfailing instinct for helping and encouraging every bit of the School's work and fun .... like turning up regularly to junior School entertainments ... nihil a se alienum putavit.

* * * *

The School Armistice Service was held on 9th November this year owing to the fact that 11th November fell on a Sunday. After the reading of the Roll of Honour, the address was given by the Rev. R. C. Thompson. The School then formed round the War Memorial, on which, after the, sounding of the Last Post, wreaths were laid by W. J. Smith for the School, and G. A. Bolsover for the Old Edwardians' Association.

* * * *

The School Chapel Service was held this term on 30th September. After the usual simple service, we listened to a fine and moving address by Mr. J. Paton, formerly High Master of Manchester Grammar School, who took as his illustration the rock of faith standing against the drifting sands of indifference.

* * * *

We congratulate the following on their appointments as prefects D. W. Boswell, E. B. Dobson, T. H. Miller, J. R. Scutt, D. Senior, S. G. Sentance and J. W. Settle.

We also congratulate W. J. Smith on his appointment as head of the School, P. W. Youens as Second Prefect and Head Librarian, J. W. Settle as Captain of Football and D. Senior as Captain of Fives.

This term has seen further changes in the Staff. We have lost Mr. Shorter and we welcome Mr. E. H. C. Hickox, Mr. P. F. Titch­marsh and Mr. C. G. Allen. Mr. Allen, unfortunately, is leaving us at Christmas, so this is a case of 'Ave atque Vale.'

* * * *

This term, on 24th November, the School had the opportunity of attending a lecture on the 1933 Everest Expedition, by Mr. J. L. Longland. His talk was supplemented by slides and a film, proved most interesting and he was given a warm welcome.

* * * *

The School collection this term realised X30 in aid of the Gresford Colliery disaster. This was a record, both for the amount collected and for the short space of time it was collected in. The School has every reason to be proud of this, and it is to be hoped that the high level of generosity will be maintained in future collections.

* * * *

Letters from Mr. Shorter, in his new home on the East Coast (3, Beechwood Avenue, Aylmerton, Norwich), show that he is not only enjoying retired leisure, but throwing himself with gusto into a new round of activities-social, musical and agricultural. "At present I am playing in the orchestra for the Cromer and Sheringham Choral Society. There is a permanent amateur orchestra in Cromer, which I shall be joining, and the Operatic Society is giving the " Pirates " in the Spring. So I get some more or less intellectual relief from my struggles in the garden. The most curious thing is that I can hardly realize that I was ever a schoolmaster .... " Well, what could be more delightful that that ?"

* * * *

A talk given on 11th October by Mr. Eric Burton, Headmaster of the Church of England School in Tananarive, Madagascar, gave us a graphic and amusing glimpse of the work of a teacher-missionary and reminded us of some of the differences as well as the similarities between schools and schoolboys of that and our own island.

* * * *

We are delighted to hear that D. Parker has been awarded his Blue at Cambridge. He played at right-half in the 'Varsity match. Parker played at half-back and centre-forward for the School and, like his brother W. S. Parker, was a prolific goal-scorer.



MR. Watkins joined the Staff in September, 1906, almost as soon as King Edward School was founded. The School had spent a year in temporary quarters in the town while the old buildings of Wesley College were being recast into the form which we now know.

It was in a sense a new School in a new building, and Mr. Watkins, at twenty-six and full of athletic vigour, must have enjoyed the freshness and promise of those opening years.

He had been at School as a boy not so very long before at the ancient School at Honiton in his native County of Devon, and then at Marlborough. After Marlborough he had gone with a Classical Exhibition to Keble College, Oxford, and later had learnt his teaching at St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown, in South Africa, and for a short time at Christ's Hospital. With Devon, Marl­borough and Oxford behind him, he was able from the start to make a great contribution of the best spirit of the South of England and of Old England generally to the rising and perhaps raw, but vigorous, northern community in which he found himself.

An Old Boy, who had belonged to one of the two Schools from which King Edward's was formed, writes : " I can distinctly remember him coming, and he seemed very quickly to get right into the scheme of things. He was chosen to be games master (of Football), and although he himself was a Rugger man, yet he seemed straight away to adapt himself, and by his efforts and en­couragement he built up a real good First Eleven, the best, I think, the School had turned out. He was always very well liked and from my own personal standpoint was my favourite master. I was under him in Set 2 for Classics, and in spite of my giving him many trying moments, he never seemed to lose his patience."

For many years Mr. Watkins was Games Master. Although there were others to help, summer and winter alike the games depended more on him than on anyone. He had his Half Blue for Swimming, and was in his time a good Rugger player. The fact that neither of these special aptitudes was wanted hardly decreased at all the influence of a person like Mr. Watkins on the boys up at Whiteley Woods.

He was strenuous at paper chases and other forms of cross-country running, and boys of those days remember him particularly as one who ran round at the tail of the procession, encouraging the weary, seeing that they all arrived home in safety, and on one occasion at least running the latter part of the course with a small and collapsed infant on his back.

Another Old Boy of early days speaks of him as giving an impression of self-contained detachment, at any rate in School hours, but it was a detachment which did not prevent a close fellow-feeling between him and the boys. " Everyone felt," the same Old Boy continues, " that Mr. Watkins in some special way was a ` fine' sort of man-well-built, firm-jawed, and clean-looking. When we heard that he had had that jutting jaw of his broken by shrapnel in the War, we were quite concerned. I never saw him lose his temper, and he was never given to favouritism in the classroom. He was not a strict disciplinarian, but no one ever tried to take a rise out of `him in the classroom. He was, of course, always promi­nent at the School Sports, and his quiet but obviously sincere ' Well run, so-and-so,' was as welcome as a silver cup. If I had to write his epitaph I would be inclined to make it KALOS KAGATHOS or ' clean and keen,' which would' be near enough." (The two Greek words are the nearest equivalent in that language to the English word " gentleman.").

Some of his later boys will perhaps be surprised to see him described as " not a strict disciplinarian." But I doubt if he (hanged much. This former pupil of his probably had in mind the magnificent if terrifying authority of Mr. Johnson, the Senior Classical Master under whom Mr. Watkins worked, and whom in 1923 he succeeded. No doubt Mr. Watkins owed much to the personality of that remarkable man.

The War came, and although Mr. Watkins had married in 1910 and one of his two daughters had already been born, he left to join the Army in July, 1916. The two years before this must have been difficult ones for him, doubtless wanting to go, and yet feeling his family ties and his duty to the School. In those days he taught in Room 42, and as our Old Boys in the Hallamshires marched down Glossop Road to take courses of instruction in the City, they used to chant to him in place of " Tipperary " the principal parts of Latin Irregular Verbs. Many of them were among his closest and most valued friends. In 1929, when he was with the greatest difficulty induced to give the address at the Armistice Service, the accounts that he gave of some among them, who fell, revealed unintentionally to the listeners much of his pre-war self as well as the personalities of the Old Boys of whom he was speaking.

He joined the Devonshire Regiment in the ranks, though he could doubtless easily have obtained a Commission. He was soon in France, and soon back again-with trench fever. He then took a Commission in the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. He was completely knocked out by a shell in the Somme district on 6th November, 1917, and his face bore the marks of the wound afterwards. It was indeed a marvellous thing that he recovered as fully as he did.

In May, 1919, he came back to the School, and we reach a period of his life that is better known to most readers of the Magazine. He was a stalwart supporter of the Old Boys' Associa­tion, which was then formed, and helped to pilot it through various experimental stages. At the Dinners his presence and his speeches were always a delight.

Meanwhile, at the School he had become one of the pillars of the Staff, and when Mr. Johnson died, his succession as Senior Classical Master was as much a tribute to his character as to his scholarship. He told the Sixth frankly at the time that he had not done Scholarship work for twenty years, but that he would do his best to bring himself again to the standard that they needed. That candour and that modesty were characteristic of him, and the successes of his boys in winning Classical Scholarships from that day to this have shown how well he did the work which he so humbly approached.

As Senior Classical Master he was a wise and sympathetic colleague, and hardly anyone in the School will miss him more than those who for several years taught under him.

His general influence in the School during the last ten years of his life was very great. It resulted more from himself than from anything that he said or did. Boys respected and admired him, and did what he told them without question. His Sixth and his House regarded him as their especial property ; indeed he was the founder of Sherwood House, and chose its name. Parents and others saw him less often, but his very presence on the platform on Speech Day was valued by them, and one found again and again that people who had hardly met him knew instinctively the sort of man he was. Old Boys always made him their first choice for invitations to dinners at Oxford, or to gatherings in Sheffield ; his colleagues looked up to him and consulted him : and, I think it is safe to say, that no important decision on anything that concerned the general life of the School was taken throughout this period without consultation with Mr. Watkins.

He never had an illness till the year 1930, when it was found that his heart was affected, and he had to be away for some time during Autumn Term 1930 and Lent Term 1931. But the after-effects of both his illness and his wounds during the War were still with him, and had he not been an exceptionally strong man, he would never have staved them off for so long as he did. In 1931 he recuperated in his native Devon, and from there he wrote " It is very strange to be taking mine ease at this time of year : and one has an uneasy feeling that it isn't quite right. I am slacking utterly-reading the new novels and playing very mild whist with the old ladies after dinner ! "

The real blow fell two years later, when he was found to be suffering from Tuberculosis of the throat and lungs. He went to Crimicar Lane Sanatorium, and in the noisy atmosphere of the open ward there, felt sometimes as if he were back in the ranks. But he made good progress at overcoming his disease. After a year he was passed as clear of it, and he came back to School in the middle of the Lent Term this year. All through the Summer Term it was clear that he was finding his work a great burden. He stuck it manfully, but immediately after term was over he collapsed, and an examination showed that the disease had returned in so virulent a form that the doctors knew that he could not possibly recover.

His last three months were a time of pain and gradual wasting, but when he had made all the arrangements that could be made, and his manly body had finally given up the struggle, he had a few hours of peace at the end. He died soon after nine o'clock on the morning of November 13th. The School assembled later in the morning, and stood silent for a time in his honour.

He was buried on 16th November at Tipton St. John in Devon, where his brother is Vicar, in the land from which he came. Boys and Old Boys and others went to St. Mark's Church at about the game time for a Memorial Service, at which H. E. W. Turner, one of the most brilliant of his former pupils, spoke most fittingly of what he had meant to his boys and the School.

Mr. Watkins was both at heart and outwardly one of the best of gentlemen, and generation after generation of boys has owed to him, and recognised, a debt that cannot be repaid. Duty and faith and honour governed him. It came naturally to him to do what these principles dictated. I doubt whether he ever counted the cost to himself. And he did actually give his life with no thought of self to his country during the War, and to the School in these last years.

R. B. G.


WITH the passing of " H. B. W.", initials well known to the occupants of Room 47 over a decade, and to older generations who toiled under him in Room 42, a personality of K.E.S. becomes an integral part of her proud tradition. For more than a quarter of a century he devoted himself unsparingly to teaching boys to grow up to be men-a duty he performed uncommonly well.

Christian gentleman, humorist, scholar, athlete and soldier ; those are the epithets that describe him best, and in that order. More than one O.E. has confessed, a little shyly, that he learnt more than the Classics from Watkins. He never preached, because he could not. But to know him well was to learn a sermon, a great sermon and one not easily forgotten.

His humour, dry and puckish by turns, was a constant source of glee in the Prefect's Room. Some reading this will recollect a glorious occasion when he tried (unsuccessfully) to stop the rattling door of Room 47 with a piece of stale wedding cake, sent by a onetime pupil. And did I, or did I not not hear him mutter as he strove to drive in a crumbling wedge : " Hoc opus, hic labor est " ? For such moments we loved him. Many years before the War our first Headmaster mentioned to Watkins that he might compose a School Song in the Latin Tongue. The Head forgot and our present one was published. About the year 1924, Watkins quietly dropped his composition into the Waste paper basket and said to me that he thought " perhaps the Headmaster wouldn't be wanting it after all !"

Others more competent may speak of him as scholar and soldier: the present writer knew the man, and it is of him only that he tells. Physically and morally, he walked through life erect ; he did justly, he loved mercy and he walked humbly with his God.

Such men do not die,-they live more abundantly. Once, when called to be promoted, he went quietly and happily from 42 to 47. And if now, he has gone on to a higher service, who shall grieve ?


Sheffield University Letter.

The University,
28th November, 1934.

Dear Mr. Editor,

My task is exceedingly difficult since half the university seems to be composed of O.Es. Of course, one does not see them all every (lay. Booth and Darley are occasionally seen when they come up from the mine. Oldale, strangely enough, is quite often seen in the Library. What Davies does, no one knows, except that, at debates, lie adopts a very efficient and sphinx-like attitude in the chair. No one can agree as to how long he has been or will be at the Varsity. lie has certainly become one of its main supports.

The great effort this term was, of course, the Rag. Anderson, who was on the Committee, was seen with a perpetual worried expression on his face. I have seen him very rarely since the Rag. On Rag Day I noticed Darley made a splendid policeman, creating many new traffic problems for Sheffield citizens.

Of course, all is not play. Crabtree and Memmott still manage to look as though they were working, while Beale and Dawtry appear at intervals as their law demands.

Both Watson-Liddell and Gilpin are among those who fence, and I once saw Gilpin with a hockey stick.

Of the " freshers" I can hardly utter an unbiassed opinion. A '' fresher's " life is not a happy one, yet Robinson and Kent seem to be bearing up admirably, and Gilpin is sometimes known to be optimistic.

We were all of us grieved to hear of the loss of Mr. Watkins, whom we knew so well. The memorial service in St. Mark's gathered together a number of people whom one rarely meets at the Varsity, and it was only then we realised what great a link with the School had been snapped. We would express our heartfelt sympathy with Mrs. Watkins and her daughters.

I am sorry that these remarks are so rambling, but I am afraid that is an inherent characteristic of mine. All best wishes for those entering for Scholarships at the other Universities.

Yours sincerely,

Oxford Letter.

Christ Church,
25th November, 1934.

Dear Mr. Editor,

" The man of action is always ruthless : no one has a conscience but an observer," says Goethe, and so it is with the creative artist, or the writer of the Oxford letter ; dicatur veritas, ruat coelum " let truth be told tho' the ceiling fall "-and far more than of lost causes Oxford is the home of ruined Edwardian reputations-chiefly, I may add, because those going to Cambridge have no reputations to lose.

The Seventh Club is an institution that not unworthily carries on the inimitable tradition of Room 37 : that, like all constitutional definitions has one meaning for the initiate and another for the herd ; but then, truth is double-faced, if not Hydra-headed. We carry this year a heavy supercargo of B.A's. - more and more Edwardians seem to be finding a permanent home in Oxford ; but we should be as shorn lambs without Turner and his large cigars, Williams and his ocean-wide sanity, Burley and his modernistic motor-bicycle ; while Philip with his taste for first editions and Wigfull in his brave attempts to Scoutify Oxford make a picturesque background. Messrs. Goodwin and Thompson, I may add, are somewhat subdued this term. They are doubtless recovering from their romantic adventures in the Long Vac., in France and Sweden respectively. Mr. Goodwin, it is rumoured, following an age-old hint from Mr. C _____, has attempted to bring to birth a life of Carteret. His failure every historian will understand and endorse.

And now, Sir, I will stand no longer between your readers and news of Holloway. He looks well fed nowadays and, except when rowing, cheerful. Pogson riots in soccer and squash racquets ; Fletcher's activities, mental and physical, are best described as Homeric. Wild, always an Oxonian in spirit is at last with us in the body. His rendering of French songs is already famous in St. John's. Brown is wondering whether to grow a moustache or begin working. Mr. Secretary Mason is best known in the Univer­sity for his singing -an activity pleasantly and naturally co­ordinated with his Scouting. I last saw Camm rioting up the Corn on November 5th ; Tasker unfortunately was not with him : his subinfeudation to the grim necessity of " Schools " is complete. Mr. President Evans is another of the Seven Workers who, as is the way with workers, seem in life to become the Seven Sleepers. Circe's charms are nothing to those of Isis, and Harrison has fallen again under the spell, spite of vows, spite of Schools. Vallans continues to amaze an incredulous Queens'; Cook and Ronksley to play each other at soccer. For my own part, Mr. Editor, may I take this occasion publicly to disassociate myself from that impious and perfidious work of the Devil, the New Britain Movement.

I am,

Yours etc.,

Cambridge Letter.

Queens' College, Cambridge.

Dear Sir,

Before describing the activities of the various Old Edwardians at Cambridge I would like to say how deeply sorry we all were to hear of the untimely death of Mr. Watkins. Nobody who had ever passed through his hands could ever forget him, and I am sure that all Old Edwardians at the University would like me to convey their sincerest sympathy, both to the School and to his family on their great loss.

During my last years at School I read with wonder and amaze­ment those literary masterpieces written by illustrious scholars of Oxford, and tremble to think that this epistle should have to appear side by side with one. I am indeed aware of my deficiencies in both style and wit, and will therefore make no attempt to achieve the impossible, but will give a few brief impressions of the various deeds,. and perhaps misdeeds, of our small but select band. Allen, of course, takes premier place, as he gained the first position in the open Civil Service Examination. All K.E.S. soccer enthusiasts will doubtless be pleased to hear that D. Parker has been awarded his "Blue," thus emulating his brother who represented the 'Varsity against Oxford in 1926 and 1928 ; his performance is even more meritorious. when it is considered that he has replaced an old " blue " in the 'Varsity team. Tory, resplendent in new B.A. gown, seems certain to follow in Allen's footsteps. Tingle smokes his pipe, mumbles occasionally in Italian, and is reputed to have seen every picture exhibited in Cambridge at least three times ; he is also proving an undoubted success in his official capacity as Soccer Secretary at. Queens'. Rodgers is still a voluntary galley-slave and rowed in the second Sidney Boat in the Fairbairn Head of the River Race.

The activities of Vincent are shrouded in mystery : nevertheless, it is safe to assume that he still plays his usual robust game of soccer. His face certainly bears adequate testimony as he received a deep cut under his eye in the Trinity v. Clare League Match. He and Parker run a car, as a result of which both are compelled to spend a considerable portion of their time searching diligently in scrap-yards for spare parts. About myself, I can say but little, except that I still endeavour to keep goal, and needless to add, still pick balls out of the back of the net with the same unfailing regularity.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all who are entering for schols. the very best of luck. Anyone who comes to swell our numbers can indeed be assured of a cordial welcome.

Yours etc.,


A. B. CLARK (1921-1925), was married on 4th September, 1934, to Miss Florence W. Gawthorp, of Leeds.

W. J. LEE, A.C.A. (1920-1926), was married on 8th September, 1934, to Miss Margaret A. Rickus, of Sheffield.

L. A. DE DOMBAL (1923-1924), was married on 29th September, 1934, to Miss F. E. Hire, of Sheffield.

T. A. TAYLOR has been awarded a Robert Styring Post-graduate Scholarship, and J. G. WHITMAN and E. D. GRIESS, George Senior Research Fellowships in Engineering, at the University of Sheffield.

H. H. BURTON (Royal Grammar School and K. E. S. to 1906), has been appointed chief metallurgist of the English Steel Corporation.

R. H. GRAVESON (1923-1929), has been awarded the John Harvey Gregory Scholarship of 2,000 dollars, to study public international Law at Harvard University, U.S.A., and has already gone to America to take up this work.

C. E. KING who went to Queen's College, Oxford, via Charter­house, and was awarded a Laming Travelling Scholarship last year, has now been appointed British Acting Vice-Consul in Berlin.

E. T. WILLIAMS (1928-1931), has been awarded a Harmsworth Senior Scholarship at Merton College, Oxford.

P. ALLEN (1922-1930), has crowned a distinguished career at Cambridge by gaining first place in the open Competitive Examination for the Administrative Class of the Home Civil Service, and also holds the Whewell Scholarship, tenable at Trinity College, Cambridge, for two years.

Mr. J. ORTON, who was a Mathematical Master at K.E.S. from 1925 to 1928, and has since held a post at Newcastle, has been appointed Director of Education for Todmorden, Lancs. His address is Ewood House, Todmorden.

The Problem of India.

(The author of the following article, A. E. WRIGHT, was at K.E.S. from 1914 to 1921, and has been for some time Customs Officer at Chittagong, India. It is interesting as the view of an eye-witness of certain aspects of the Indian situation and as an example of the sort of problems that may fall across the path of an Old Edwardian not long after his leaving School).

WITHIN the next few months, the British Parliament will have to make one of the most momentous decisions of its history ; the acceptance or rejection of the new Bill for the Government of India. India has played a large part in the history of Parliament during the last hundred and fifty years, but the present decisive moment is a crisis with a difference. In the past, Parliament has arranged the affairs of the East India Company ; has impeached the greatest of that Company's servants ; or has taken affairs from the control of a body which was unable to administer them-a charge which had become in every sense Imperial. In the present instance the decision is one in which the logic of history has brought the wheel full circle. The country of which the Government has been for centuries in the hands of a foreign conqueror is to substantiate its claim to assume its own government, and to take the perilous first steps of a nation among its peers.

This political revolution has been the work of a very few years, and the plant which has grown is tropical in its luxuriance and in the strange undergrowth of jungle which has accompanied it into life-a jungle which has terrified otherwise intelligent observers into the conclusion that the whole should be cut down. Since the Crown assumed the Government of India, less than 80 years ago, the country has moved, by way of a benevolent, if sometimes misguided, bureaucratic government, through the intervening step of a hybrid between bureaucracy and democracy, to the demand for full democracy, connoting a wide franchise, and the control by the Legislature of finance, and the many portions of public affairs which were not conceded to the Assemblies and Councils of the Montague-Chelmsford reforms.

The persons who are most concerned in India in this urge towards democratic control may be divided into four classes. First, we have the great mass of the electorate which will be enfranchised if the proposals should be carried into effect, which, it is anticipated, will be placed before Parliament. It is difficult for an Englishman, brought up in the atmosphere of party conflict, of municipal and parliamentary votes, of the free expression of opinion, of the right to better his position in life, to realise the outlook and the position of an electorate which has, for the most part, no political ideas or opinions : of which the foremost desire is that the next crop shall be good ; that the benign Government shall reduce taxation (it is imagined all too frequently that this is the prerogative of the taxing officer with whom the subject comes immediately into contact), and that its sons shall obtain posts in Government offices. The whole tradition of this populace is that of obedience to an autocrat. The events of the years 1930-31 showed what a fruitful field lies ready in it for the work of the agitator and political charlatan.

In the second place, come the politically minded classes-those persons who have felt most keenly their position of inferiority under an alien rule, and who have striven most vigorously, according to their several natures, to remove the disabilities under which they felt themselves to be languishing. They consist of professional men and women, magnates of commerce, and the landed aristocracy of the various Provinces of British India. As they have been most assiduous in demanding control, so on them will fall the burden of administration under the new regime. It is to be seen whether the training which they have obtained in Western methods in public life and in their professional and business functions have been assimilated to a degree which will enable them to carry on without disaster the work which is to be handed over to them. The task will be the more difficult, be it noted, in that the newcomers are pledged to democratic methods, and are bound to give up the rule by personal influence and guidance which was the keynote of the bureaucratic regime.

The third and fourth elements are-the European commercial and professional community, who have a profound influence in the greater centres of commerce, such as Calcutta, Bombay and Cawnpore, - and the Indian Princes. It is in these two forces that lie the main hopes of stability and strength in the democratic experi­ment. The European community, through its unrivalled experience of the workings of democracy-since the majority of its members are British-and through the immensity of its financial stake in the country, will be opposed to any of the excesses which have disgraced young democracies elsewhere ; the Princes, with their Treaty relations with the Crown, and their own experience of the needs of Government, will be a further bulwark against the demagogue, the visionary and the agitator.

The solution to the problem, therefore, which is emerging from the welter of evidence, reports, arguments, counter arguments and meetings which has preceded the presentation of the Report of the Select Committee to Parliament is that the new Government should proceed by way of a Federation, which must include a sufficiency of the State. A Constitution will be enforced in which the Administration will be responsible in all questions to the elected representatives of the people. The education in responsible government through responsibility which, under the present regime, has been so markedly successful in the province of Madras, for instance, will be given a more extensive and a more real trial throughout India. Yet sufficient powers will be held in reserve by the accredited representa­tives of the Crown, the Provincial Governors and the Viceroy, to ensure that if there is serious danger of a breakdown of the democratic machinery in any part, the administration may be continued according to the Constitution. This may be necessary as an expedient, to tide over a period of exceptional difficulty, as in the case of the Ordinances passed in Bengal to meet the Terrorist menace, which have now been embodied in the permanent Acts of the Legislature of that Province, or, if the worst happens, as a form of government to supplant a democracy which has proved itself unable to rule.

The placing of an inexperienced rider on the back of a horse of doubtful temper is apt to have consequences unpleasant for the rider, and at times even for the horse itself. But the rider, apart from any aptitude which he may possess for riding, and from any theories he may cherish about that sport or about the horse, has certain aids, both to the maintenance of his seat and to the control of the animal. When the Labour Party first assumed office in this country it was not a little surprised to find how dependent it was, in the actual work of administration, upon its Civil Service. Similarly, in India, a great responsibility will be thrown on the Civil Servants. It will frequently rest with them, in the last resort, whether or no an unwise stroke of policy on the part of a Minister is to go before the Legislature, and they will always have the un­pleasant task of dealing with disorder, whether it is the result of unwise promises which are not carried out (since an inexperienced electorate is not so cynical in its view of election promises as we are apt to be in England), or of the carrying out of administrative measures which should have been left alone.

The importance, then, which has been attached in discussion to such subjects as the control of the Police ; to Civil Service pay, and security of pensions, and to the rate at which Services should be Indianised, is by no means exaggerated. A loyal and efficient Civil Service, in which term all branches of government service are to be included, is a sine qua non of success to the great step forward which is to be taken in India. A flight or a forced retreat from the country by the officers who are now carrying on the work of day to day administration would be fatal to the fledgling Indian democracy, which is itself to a great extent the creation of those who are now in retirement, the officers of the years before and during the Great War. It is indeed to be hoped that the moment when the House of Commons rose in silent tribute to Warren Hastings, and not the long months of his impeachment, will provide the keynote of the debate on the new India Bill : for it was Hastings, the greatest administrator who ever went out to that country, who first visualised the government of India as an association of Indian and British elements, and not as the domination of the one by the other.

A. E. W.

The School Play.


November 30th, 1934.


Subtle A. J. M. PEACE.
Face J. LEES.
Dol Common G. S. F. GILL.
Dapper G. D. BOLSOVER.
Abel Drugger G. S. WOOD.
Sir Epicure Mammon B. W. HASTIE.
Surly C. H. BREESE.
Ananias J. B. HARRISON.
Tribulation Wholesome E. MARSH.
Kastril H. HARDY.
Dame Pliant J. G. C. EARL.
Lovewit N. R. MARSHMAN.
Officer, Neighbours, etc. A. J. R. GREEN, A. J. SPEDDING, M. S. CARLISLE, P. W. BROWNE, W. H. HOLROYD, W. A. BURLEY.

Alchemy may be out of date ; the human greed and credulity which nourished its professors are more strongly entrenched against the assaults of science. Sir Epicure Mammon dreamed of renewing his youth with a pinch of the Elixir taken on the end of his knife ; we hope for the same result from as much as will cover a sixpence in our morning cup of tea. Our roads to fortune may not be those of the Elizabethans, but they are no less tempting, and no less likely to land us in the Slough of Despond instead of the Delectable Mountains of which we dreamed. Is the modern gambler with an infallible system less pitiable than Dapper with his familiar spirit ? If Drugger had lived to-day and had been tempted to learn from some smiling father the Art of Advertising or the Secrets of Sales­manship, would he have prospered more than in the days when necromancy gave him a sign ? The modern Subtle promotes a company instead of setting up a still ; are knightly fortunes any the safer ? Queen Elizabeth invested-cautiously-in alchemy ; can we afford to laugh at Her Majesty ? Modern novelists, play­wrights and journalists flatter us with copious accounts of the fool returning to his folly, and we delight in our superior wisdom as much as the Elizabethan did in his fancied safety from coney-catchers.

Jonson's art in " The Alchemist " is shown in the variety of knavery practised by his trio of tricksters. And among their clients there is as nice a variety of contrasted types. The voluptuous Sir Epicure and the austere Ananias, simple Abel Drugger and confident Surley, the virile Kastril and the effeminate Dapper, all prove equally gullible. Even Lovewit is easily persuaded to pardon the misuse of his house. Not one of the characters is dull-the great Garrick chose to play Abel Drugger, one of the smaller parts. Variety of character leads to variety of situation, the resource of the author and his knaves leads to quick and unexpected changes of fortune, while there is in the play a unity which is more than mechanical, and a vitality that carries the action along at an exhilarating pace. The victims are hustled on and off the stage with a superb opportunism. There is in Subtle and Face a hint of delight in their own virtuosity which lifts them above most of Jonson's " humorous " characters.

The School's production of the play had in it the essential enthusiasm and speed ; it flagged at times, but not enough to spoil our enjoyment. Chief praise for this success is due to Lees in the part of Face. The part is a very heavy one, with awkward changes of costume. Lees played it in an energetic, clear-cut way, with varied intonation and gesture. He missed very few of his chances for comedy, besides holding the team of players together as a good Captain should. Peace as Subtle was less sure of his part, and missed something of the subtlety an alchemist ought to display, but the whole effect of his broad interpretation of the part was lively and amusing. Gill looked well as Do] Common, though he might have let the audience see his face more often. He acted competently, but was inclined to speak too fast and too much at one pitch.

Among the lesser characters the acting was more patchy. Marshman (Lovewit), Bolsover (Dapper), and Wood (Drugger), were the most consistent. Harrison caught the characteristics of Ananias quite well, but was fidgetty on the stage-a fault he shared with others. His fellow Puritan, Marsh (Tribulation), was too much in the background, both in the view of the audience, and in his playing of the part. Hastie as Sir Epicure Mammon had a difficult task. It is not easy to convey the ambitions, the appetites, and the dis­comfiture of this covetous sensualist. Hastie did well, though he did not quite succeed. Breese, who had taken the part of Surly at short notice, was best as a supposed Spaniard. Hardy (Kastril) was vigorous but rather monotonous. Earl (Dame Pliant) was extremely funny, but inclined to be unsettled by the laughter he caused. Most of our actors still have faults in speaking, which are no credit to themselves or to the School.

The staging and lighting of the play were excellently done. Hard and efficient work in this sphere has created and maintained a high standard, of which we are all justly proud. A small orchestra, led by Mr. Hickox, played pleasant and appropriate music between the scenes.

Though the acting was not faultless, none of the faults was serious enough to spoil the audience's enjoyment of the play as a whole. Everyone will agree that " The Alchemist " is a difficult play for modern actors. There are the difficulties of the Elizabethan language and the Elizabethan types. Jonson's " learned sock " is visible in the wealth of alchemical terms. What verse there is, is splendid in its way, but not easy to deliver-this was Hastie's difficulty. Everyone will agree, too, that the play was well done, and well worth doing. Jenson is sometimes rather casually dis­missed as an interesting personality, but a minor playwright, whose plays never fulfilled the promise of his theories. The School Dramatic Society have shown convincingly by the test of perform­ance, that Jonson succeeded in what was his purpose-to make his audience "see the time's deformity anatomised in every nerve and sinew." We enjoy the dramatic expression of the same purpose to-day, by Shaw for instance, and our kinship with the Elizabethans is close enough for us to enjoy Jonson. Common humanity can cross the gap of three hundred years in a stride.

W. H. S.


1ST. XI.


WITH only four colours left from last year's team we could not expect to repeat its successes. The record of the team, considering that a most stubborn injury has incapacitated R. Gray, has been very creditable. Nine matches have been won and two lost. Both defeats were inflicted by heavier and more experienced opponents-the Old Boys and the Falcons. Two very promising goalkeepers Griffiths and Holmes, have had to drop out, the one owing to chest trouble, the other with a crocked knee. Saville has done his best to fill their place, and when he has more control over his nerves and more confidence, he may be difficult to displace. While playing excellent football at times (the Repton Match is a case in point) the side has never given evidence of great staying power, and has plainly lacked dash.

Much responsibility has been thrown on Settle who has borne it well, but too often his preoccupation in defence has left the for­wards without adequate support. Both wing halves have tried hard, but both are weak in defence and slow to recover, and Spedding (though he is improving) lacks ball control and has little power in his kicking. Neither has given the support to the forward line that one would expect. E. W. Sivil has played consistently well at right back. His kicking of the ball with both feet is admirable and his tackling clean and sure. Dobson is still strangely slow in recovery, hesitant into the tackle, and not too sure in kicking. At times however he is remarkably shrewd in relieving a dangerous situation. W. S. Gray, a fine left wing, has had perforce to act as centre­forward and on the whole he has done splendidly. Of late he has seemed far too inclined to try speculative shots and has not always infused that energy into his play which one would like to see. Bedford has played pretty football. A fine shot with a standing ball, he seems to be finding greater determination and fire, which is all he lacks to make him a worthy successor to Pearson. I have hopes that Melling will continue to improve. He lacks confidence in front of goal and is often wild with his passing. V. R. Sivil, has used his diminutive feet to advantage, but he is far too modest and will not try to score goals.



Played at Whiteley Woods on October 13th. Rotherham won the toss and set the School to play to the brook. At first the play was very scrappy and the School very erratic. The team did not seem to be settling down, and were not working together well. Rotherham took the offensive and were rewarded by scoring first. The School forwards were now working well, but their kicking in front of goal was weak and never dangerous. A beautiful centre from Sivil V.R. resulted in Bedford equalising Both teams were now fighting hard to secure the lead and just before half-tine Gray W. S. scored a second goal            Half-time : School 2, R.G.S 1.

From the beginning of the second-half, the School were more determined, and Gray neatly headed a centre from Sivil through the goal. Soon after, Gray again broke through and scored his third goal The School were now pulling well together and Settle broke up several attacks. A well-placed pass from Hoole gave Gray his fourth goal, but Rotherham soon retaliated, Good passing enabled Gray to break away and score again. Owing to bad shooting on both sides, the game ended without further scoring.

Result :-School 6, R.G.S. 2.

Team.-Griffith, Sivil and Dobson ; Spedding, Settle and Hoole ; Sivil V. R., Melling, Gray W. S., Bedford and Greatorex.

Scorers : Gray W. S. (5), Bedford (1).


Played on October 20th at Carterknowle Road. The School won the toss and chose to kick with the wind. From the start, the School's play was ragged and aimless. The O.E.s. pressed hard, but their attacks were consistently foiled by Sivil and Dobson. Although the School forwards pressed hard, they seemed unable to beat the opposing halves, but after a short tussle on the right wing, Gray R. broke through to score. This advantage was short-lived, and the O.E.s soon equalised.

Half-time : School 1, 0 Es. 1.

Immediately after half-time the O.E.s. resumed their attack, and forced the School to remain on the defensive. The School at this stage were unsteady and slow, and Pearson at inside-left soon scored. The School made several attacks, but poor passing robbed them of any sting. They were slow in front of goal, and lost chances through bad shooting. Then Griffith, who had the sun in his eves failed t-o stop another shot and soon after was well beaten by a low drive from Pearson Although the School tried hard to reduce the lead, the forwards were never dangerous. Gray R., who had injured his thigh and was by no means recovered, gave Hoole a good pass which was converted into a much-needed goal. School fought hard without success for the remain­ing few minutes. Their play was disappointing and except for a few bright patches, the team was well below standard.

Result :-School 2, Old Edwardians 4.

Team :-Griffith ; Dobson and Sivil E. W. ; Hoole, Settle, Spedding ; Bedford, Gray R., Gray W. S., Melling, Sivil V. R.

Scorers : Gray R. and Hoole.


Played at Derby on October 27th. The School won the toss and elected to kick with the wind. From the start, the School took the offensive and pressed the Derby goal hard. The ground was very sticky, and the passing seemed to be slow and to lack crispness. Derby never seemed dangerous, and their rare attacks were easily coped with by Settle, Sivil and Dobson. The School quickened up and the standard of passing was greatly improved. Greatorex centred from the left wing, and the ball bounced off the Derby centre-half into his own goal. The School were playing more steadily, and another centre from Greatorex enabled Gray to crash the ball through and score a great goal. Soon afterwards Bedford dribbled through to score, and Gray secured another from a well-placed corner by Greatorex.

Half time, K.E.S. 4, Derby 0.

The School took the offensive immediately after the kick-off, and the Derby goal was subjected to a bombardment, which came to no avail, thanks to the wildness of the forwards when shooting Derby still seemed unlikely to score and Griffiths was still untroubled. Melling increased the School's ,core with a high shot, but Derby broke away with a dangerous attack which was well intercepted by Sivil. Shortly before the end, Sivil V. R gave Bedford a lovely pass which enabled him to score. Although the School pressed hard to the end, they were unable to score again, mainly owing to terrible shooting and neglected chances.

Result :-K.E.S. 6, Derby 0.

Team : Griffith ; Dobson and Sivil E. W. ; Spedding, Settle and Hoole ; Sivil V. R., Melling, Gray W. S., Bedford, Greatorex.

Scorers : Gray (2), Bedford (2), Melling and Derby o.g.


Played at Repton November 10th. The game was played in a slow drizzle which lasted the whole time and on a pitch that was rather soft. Repton defended the pavilion end, and the game commenced briskly, our forwards being full of dash, and so it was after but a few minutes play that we took the lead, Bedford scoring, with a pass from Greatorex, and completely beat the goal-keeper with a cross shot into the top corner of the net. The second goal came in about five minutes and was again scored by Bedford after some good footwork in the goal mouth. The third was scored by Gray W. S. after a pass up the centre from Hoole and the fourth by Bedford from a pass from Gray just before half-time. There were the only goals scored during the first half, but it is not only these that require mentioning, for there was an excellent defence by Settle, Sivil and Dobson.

Half-time, K.E.S. 4, Repton 0.

After the interval, the School seemed to tire somewhat, but Repton was still full of fight, and after 15 minutes scored their first goal owing to a mis­understanding. Our forwards then broke away and after some hard work Gray scored the fifth and final goal. Repton also scored their last goal. The outstanding players on our side were Settle and Bedford.

Result :-K.E.S. 5, Repton 2.

Team :-Holmes, Sivil, Dobson, Spedding, Settle, Hoole, Sivil, Bedford, Gray W. S., Melling, Greatorex.

Scorers :-Gray W. S. (2), Bedford (3).


Played at Chesterfield November 17th. The weather was not too promising, and as there was no wind and the ground was flat, Settle was unable to give the team an advantage by winning the toss. The game began fairly briskly and nothing happened until after five minutes when the Chester­field outside left received the ball. He ran along the wing, passed the ball to the inside man in order to get past Sivil E. W., and receiving the ball again, scored with a first-time shot. The equaliser was scored by Gray W. S., who ran straight through the defence, after the centre, and scored with a marvellous shot.

The play continued with no outstanding incidents until just before half­time, when Chesterfield again took the lead after a scramble in the goal mouth.

Half-time, K.E.S. 1, C.G.S. 2.

Up to half-time the play had been even all round, but after half-time, we rallied together and played a much stronger game, scoring three goals. The first was, scored by Bedford, who nodded it into the net from a centre by Sivil V. R. The second was scored by Gray W. S., and the third a beautiful angle shot by Melling. The School defence was rather weak and Chesterfield were unlucky not to score again from a penalty against Sivil, the centre­forward hitting the post.

Result :-C.G.S. 2, K.E.S. 4.

Team :-Saville; Sivil and Dobson ; Hoole, Settle and Spedding ; Sivil V. R., Bedford, Gray W. S., Melling, Greatorex.

Scorers :-Gray W. S. (2), Bedford and Melling K.E.S. 1ST XI v. BOOTHAM.

Played at Whiteley Woods November 21st. The pitch was in good condition and there was no sign of rain as the two teams came out on to the field at 2.40 p.m. Settle lost the toss and Bootham decided to defend the pavilion end. The game started off briskly, but there was nothing spectacular until, after five minutes, Bedford pushed the ball out to Greatorex on wing who beat his man and slung the ball in to Gray. He passed to Bedford, who scored after a tussle with the goal-keeper. The second goal was not long in coming for Sivil on the wing centred to Gray W. S., who scored with a first-timer. The third followed immediately, when Gray rushed through from the centre and gave the goal-keeper no chance. Just before half-time Gray scored again after a pass from the wing by Sivil. After the interval of 12 minutes the School kept up their old vigour, but Bootham seemed to slacken somewhat. The fifth goal came from Bedford, who, after a tussle with the goal-keeper just got it over the line, but who made doubly sure of the goal by trying to burst the netting. The next came from Gray, after a short lapse, who ran through the defence and shot into the corner of the net from 10 yards. The next four were scored by Bedford, one from a run through, one from a pass from Greatorex, the next from a scrimmage in the goal and the last he headed in from a corner from Hoole.

Result :-K.E.S. 10, Bootham 0.

Team .-Saville; Sivil and Dobson ; Spedding, Settle and Hoole ; Sivil

v' R., Bedford, Gray W. S., Melling, Greatorex. Scorers :-Gray W. S. (4), Bedford (6).


Played at Whiteley Woods, on Saturday, October 20th. School kicked-off towards the brook, and after brisk play in mid-field the Old Edwardians' left-wing got away at an amazing speed and a hard drive opened the scoring. A similar incursion gave the visitors a lead of two goals. In an equally short space of time, however, Fulford twice flicked the ball past Welch. Although the School's short passing was pleasing to watch, weight was the deciding factor in the opponent's goal mouth. By this time the home defence had realised the immensity of their task, and they were working well and with energy ; yet another six goals were added by the Old Edwardians before half-time, for whenever the ball was in the air in front of the goal, they used their height to an advantage.

Half-time, School 2nd XI 2, Old Edwardians 2nd XI 8.

Shortly after the interval the score was increased to 2-9, but, by now, the opposing left-wing had lost some of its sting ; on the other hand the School forwards persistently harassed the opposing defence. Then, after about 60 minutes play, Fulford, Walker and Fulford again scored ; the onslaught was so sudden that all the three goals were added within five minutes. Could School continue to rally ? There was still sufficient time to gain a victory. The Old Edwardians, however, concentrated on defence, and repeated attacks were in vain.

Result :-School 2nd XI 5, Old Edwardians 2nd XI 9.

School 2nd XI :-Saville; Allen and Burley ; Smith, Graham and Senior ; Bly, Walker, Fulford, Greatorex and Ashford.

Scorers :-Fulford (4), Walker.

Old Edwardians' 2nd XI :-Welch; Hornsby and Dawtry ; Boler, Howe and Trevethick ; Wells, Simons, Mountford, Thirkill and Parker W. S.

Scorers :-Parker (4), Mountford (3), Thirkill (2).

Fives Notes.

AS usual, dark evenings, wet courts and the deplorable condition thereof, have combined to make Fives almost impossible this term, especially for those who play Football.

There has been only one School match this term, which was played against a strong Leeds University Second Team, who were beaten by 153 points to 125 ; each side winning 6 games. The results of the competitions held in the Summer Term are printed here, as they were not completed in time for inclusion last term.

D. S.



WE went to the new Scout Show, " Fresh Fields " expecting to be both amused and interested. A large and appreciative audience were there with us and we were none of us dis­appointed by the evening's entertainment. After the first turn the Headmaster gave a synopsis of the year's work and achievements. He said that he welcomed the visitors on a night which provided an excellent opportunity to keep in touch with School Scouting. Membership had increased to 125 scouts and he had hopes of seeing eight sections instead of five in the School Troop. The summer camps lead all had the advantage of bad weather, an opportunity to teach the younger members of the Troop to be real scouts. He then mentioned the hut and said that he had slowed up the decoration .,nice it had been intended to build the new junior School on the site of the hut. Even now the future was not entirely sure, but lie had hopes that all would soon be settled. The Troop needed 1130, and he asked parents to co-operate, not only with gifts of money but with advice and help. After the speech, we saw the 1932 film of Mr. Simm's camp and then came the interval, when visitors had the pleasure of seeing photographs of previous camps. After the interval came what was perhaps, the most interesting part of the programme, the new film. B. Pickersgill and Wood G.S., under the direction of Mr. Simm, provided a thoroughly entertaining film. Good shot : morse signallers receiving and trans­mitting. Among other turns what amused us most was " the old harm " by the Arundel scouts, and we went away, having had an evening of instruction and amusement.


Rain on 12 days out of 15 at the summer camp at Stonethwaite was but little discouragement. We were obliged to sleep in the barn the first night, as practically the whole field was under water. It was at camp that the section really began to be active after the year's laziness which followed the splitting of the troop. Several tests for both II and I classes, were passed. Apart from several individual hikes, the whole camp got away for walks on two days. We generally had the upper hand in competitions such as games of football against Clumber.

This term we have to welcome four recruits, Ferrar (Pigeon), Green and Rollin (Peckers), and Robinson (Curlew). It was entirely clue to Mr. McKay that they were all invested on the appointed day. It is also due to Mr. McKay that so many tests have been passed this term, and such a great deal more progress made than last year. Two II class badges have been awarded, and about fifteen I class tests have been passed.

Congratulations to Coldwell for getting his swimmer's badge. Also to Blackhurst for learning to swim (?). We hope that there will be several more I classes in the troop in two month's time.

D. W. S.


The high spot of our activities since the issue of the last number of the Magazine has, without doubt, been the camp held in Borrow­dale, in conjunction with the Arundel section of the troop. Although the weather was somewhat mixed, varying from days fit for sun­bathing to days when the whole camp was forced to remain under canvas, we made good use of what fair periods there were. Expedi­tions were made to Scawfell, Great Gable, Watendlath and the Honister and Sty-Head passes. On one occasion a party went rock climbing to Dove's Nest. A number of two-day hikes were under­taken to places of interest, such as Grasmere and the Cat Bells.

Since the beginning of term, there has been nothing of outstanding importance. Two of the Monday night meetings have been spent very enjoyably at the Glossop Road Swimming Baths. We are now settling down to patrol work during the Winter months.



In spite of daily drizzles, flying ants, wasps and thistles, our ardent campers-alas, too few !-spent a Profitable time at Llanthony last August. In thunder, lightning or in rain, four hardy warriors never failed to miss an early morning dip in the glorious depths of the Afon Honddu. Milder mornings saw the enlargement of our ranks and of the waters too, and an aerial runway erected over the river provided an excellent opportunity for those who prefer a rapid but not too graceful an entry into the water. With no undue praise we may congratulate ourselves on our efficiency in fire-lighting and serving up excellent meals upon firmly-constructed tables. In the thick of the storm communication was maintained with the Grub Tent by means of morse, and the wires served a second purpose of tipping up any curious intruder.

Every opportunity was seized for climbing the surrounding hill ranges and views of some forty or fifty miles were no infrequent reward ; the Black Mountains in the near South-West, the Cotswold and Malvern hills away to the North, and the undulating plains of Gloucestershire stretching far towards the East. Longer tramps such as the crossing of the border and the climbing of the Sugar Loaf, necessitated a division between Tenders and Toughs. Mr. Smith revealed the beauty of the Abbey ; Mr. Gaskin considered that treasure was behind the " Times " ; and Hoppy, whenever he could remember it, struck the bells at the beginning of each watch. The treasure hunt offered a first-class opportunity to hear an expressive harangue in Welsh.

Numerous pets made their acquaintance with the camp, but thistles, ducks and cows alike, seemed to scent a paradise in the company of our lesser chief. Connection with the outer world was made in a small country 'bus, which ran, when it felt like it, to Abergavenny and half-way back. Consequently it was no unusual occurrence, when the meat chose to arrive about ten at night, for us to reverse our meals ; and, by the way, what happened to the remains of the last lot of sausages ? I would also like to mention that the life of a sub-assistant-deputy-quarter-master is not one long loaf. Perhaps of all these recollections there is none so vivid to some as the peaceful return journey and the train we almost missed at Birmingham.

Aroused from pleasant memories, I must return to the dreary present and hope that the six or seven new enthusiasts will find much pleasure in store for them. Most of them have helped to entertain the parents this November and will, no doubt, join in wishing some of our less fortunate brother scouts a merry Christmas at the end of term.

D. W. B.


This year we held our Summer Camp at Clun, in South-West Shropshire, and found that it was a glorious camp site, though the weather was appalling. The camp was well run by A. S. M. Thomas, with Rover T. H. Miller and P/L.D. Senior-an excellent combina­tion-in charge of the Commissariat. The three patrols were in charge of Wood A. L., McInnes J. and Bishop P. L., and the best patrol in the Inspection Competition was the Horses, in spite of serious setbacks in matters of fire lighting and other competitions.

In spite of the weather, we were very active in camp. The local Troop was eager to play us at football, and brought along too tough a team for us, which beat us 5-1. The pitch was a neighbouring nettle field, and we were riled next morning to see a man cutting them down. We challenged our victors at cricket, and beat them on the village pitch 50-17. Rugby was a feature of the camp, and under the able instruction of Mr. Thomas we had some exhilarating games. Long-distance morse signalling was attempted with some success, though without binoculars. Another activity was midnight cow-punching, and the camp had a vision of pyjama-clad P/Ls and G.S.Ms. herding Herefordshire cattle through the camp back to their pasture.

We visited several places of interest, among them Caer Caradoc, the site of the last stand of King Caractacus against the Romans. The camp was not far from Offa's Dike, a wall and rampart built to keep the Welsh out of England. A visit was arranged to Ludlow, and on the outward journey a very interesting castle at Stokesay was explored. At Ludlow the party visited the Castle, the Feathers Inn, and enjoyed a row on the river. This visit was followed by a long camp fire, at which we learnt what funny people our officers were. The last long walk was to Beacon Hill, in Wales, a fine view point. It will be long before the party forgets the episode of the spilled jam-pot in the ruc-sac, or the wade through the River Teme back into England.

The local Scoutmaster, Mr. Hamar, proved to be an expert in archaeology, and showed us a wonderful collection of flints and Roman remains. He told us much about the Neolithic and Roman roads in the district.

This term we have had a variety of activities. We have obtained about 12 recruits, and have been busy training them. The patrols have been re-organised to make them more equal, and quite a number have set out on the route to 1st Class. Some of our Monday meetings have included Swimming, a welcome change in the constitution. We gave an amusing sketch-amusing for the audience, that is, on the occasion of the Parent's Evening, and have had a busy time preparing for it. Congratulations to the Bakers on gaining their Horseman Badge-an entirely new departure. We are preparing to gain as many badges as possible in the future, as we have been rather idle in that direction of late. We conclude with wondering what entertainment we are to give at our Annual GCB Turn.



We camped from 31st July-13th August on a splendid site near Corfu Castle, Dorset. Only two of our Scouts did not camp with us, and all those who went were immensely enthusiastic, and will require no persuading to go again next year. The weather was not brilliant, but nobody seemed worried by gales and rain, and our fortnight was over almost (it seemed) before it had begun. The three patrols, Ravens, Swifts and Bulldogs made good use of their sites, and kept spotlessly clean kitchens. We found endless jobs to do every day. There was bathing, hiking, raft building, hut building, athlete's badge practice and morse signalling from the cliffs.

When we came back to School this term the Welbeck-Wentworth was re-organised into Senior and Junior Sections. In the Junior Section boys in their first and second year in the Troop are proceeding with 2nd Class and some 1st Class work with Mr. Glister. The Senior are busy with 1st Class and more advanced scouting under Mr. Simm. We have had a very encouraging rush of recruits, and take this opportunity of welcoming to our ranks Jepson, Leeson R., Gebhard J., Stevenson, Swallow, Norbury-Williams, Fry, Lindsay, Linsley, Beecroft, Mellor and Hannah. We had to part company with three excellent fellows-Dick Coulton, who has gone to Edinburgh University, Frank Devereux and George Vickers, who left somewhat unexpectedly during the term.

At the beginning of the term Saturday night scouting proved a great success, but a number of School functions cut short our activities in that direction. We are making excellent progress with our " Kayak," which we hope to take to camp with us this summer. Naturally, we are looking out for a good river site. " Picky " worked very enthusiastically on his film of our Summer Camp, and it was shown to parents and friends at Scout Night. Many consider that it is his best effort. Mr. Glister went to Gilwell Park in order to train for Part II of the Wood Badge, and we are glad to know that he has passed it.


Scientific Society.

OWING to the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. H. V. S. Shorter, it was decided, at a special meeting, to ask Mr. H. Redston to accept the presidency. To this he consented.

On 3rd October, the Annual General Meeting was held in the Large Lecture Room, Mr. Redston taking the chair. G. Bloom was elected secretary and J. Colquhoun, E. R. Monypenny, N. R. Marshman, J. W. O. Bridges, C. H. Breese and J. N. Blackhurst, members of the committee. The chairman acknowledged the good work of past secretaries, and of Richmond in particular. Votes of thanks were proposed to the former president, Mr. Shorter, and to Mr. Redston for accepting the presidency. After receiving sugges­tions for visits, the meeting ended.

A visit to the works of the British Oxygen Company, was the first this term. Here the processes for preparing cylinders of pure oxygen, were seen.

Air is drawn into two " caustic " towers, down which caustic soda solution is sprayed, to remove carbon dioxide and other impurities. Thence it is compressed in four stages to thirty or forty atmospheres pressure. This done, it passes through tubes surrounded by the outlet tubes for the waste nitrogen ; thus cooling the incoming air, and freezing out any water. The now cooled air is made to do work, as it suddenly expands to four atmospheres pressure in a machine whose controls were coated with clean hoarfrost. This sudden expansion cools the gas to such an extent that it liquefies. The liquid now passes to the top of a fractionating column, a tower, four feet across, containing layers of fine gauze, and packed round with cotton-wool to reduce loss of " cold". The nitrogen, which escapes from this tower is used to cool the incoming gas. The liquid oxygen is allowed to evaporate, and is compressed into cylinders, as is coal gas obtained from the Sheffield Gas Company.

Our guide performed a number of interesting experiments with liquid oxygen. He dipped a piece of rubber tubing into it, and broke the tubing by hitting it against the floor. Some liquid oxygen, placed in a teapot containing water, boiled vigorously, emitting clouds of " steam". If poured on to water, it forms basins of ice as it boils.

Yet another part of the works was the cylinder testing department. Here the cylinders are subjected to a pressure much greater than any they have to withstand in use. They are filled with water, which is then compressed-the one we were shown was tested to one and a half tons per square inch, when the tester had to tap it with a hammer to see if it would burst.

In the testing room new valves are fitted, the inside of the cylinder examined, rust in the inside removed if necessary, and the cylinder weighed to ensure that it has not worn too thin. The capacity of the cylinder in most general use is 250 cubic feet, but larger cylinders are sometimes supplied.

Very few accidents have happened at the works, but on two occasions, the fractionating column has become stopped up and, as a consequence, the compressed air within blew the bottom out.

J. Colquhoun arranged that a small party should visit the pearl cutting works of Messrs. Gillott and Sons, on 31st October.

Large oyster shells, over eight inches in diameter from Margui (Lower Burma), and West Australia, are cut in two ; the thinner portion is sent to the makers of sheet pearl, whilst the other portion is again cut in two. One of these portions is sent to Palestine, where it is made into beads, and the other is used by Messrs. Gillott to make their articles.

Since no two oyster shells are alike in shape or hardness, mass-production methods cannot be employed. All work is done by hand, with, of course, the aid of mechanical tools.

The piece of shell is ground into shape, generally on a carborundum wheel, but sometimes by filing. After piercing any necessary holes, the article is roughly polished, and then given its final polishing on a felt wheel. If required, it is fitted to a knife blade or other fittings.

In the storeroom we saw pearl-handled knives, pearl butter knives, and all kinds of table utensils, including pearl plates and jam spoons. Pearl can be dyed in a variety of colours, and beads and napkin rings of coloured pearl, were seen.

It is hoped that a second party will visit the works on 28th November.

On 5th November, at half-term, a party visited Manchester. In the morning, the soap works of Messrs. Thomas Hedley and Co., were visited.

The ingredients for making soap are placed in large vats or " kettles," and boiled for about forty-eight hours, by means of steam coils. The resulting liquid separates into three layers ; the top one containing pure soap, the middle one dirty soap, and the bottom layer a caustic liquid. Each layer is removed separately by a siphon. The middle layer is discarded, the bottom layer distilled under greatly reduced pressure to give glycerine, and the top layer passed into storage tanks. These tanks must be kept warm by steam jackets to prevent the soap solution from solidifying. From the tanks, it is poured into rectangular moulds, where it is allowed to set hard. The mould is taken to pieces, and the large block of soap cut into small blocks, by means of wires. These blocks are stamped and wrapped by machinery.

Soap flakes are made by passing the " liquid " soap between rollers, one of which is kept hot by steam, and on this are raised lines. These lines cut the thin layer of soap, which solidifies on the cold roller into strips, which are then dried by passing backwards and forwards in a heated oven.

Candles and soap powder were also made.

G. B.

The School Orchestra.

PROUD of its achievement at the Queen's Hall this summer, where it was placed second to Westminster City School, the Orchestra is now hard at work preparing for the Christmas Concert. A quintet for the School play is also being prepared.

We too, have felt the loss of Mr. H. V. S. Shorter, and the ranks of the strings have been thinned by the departure of such veterans as Pogson, Richmond, Woolass and P. H. Monypenny. Kent has rejoined our ranks, as apparently there is a deplorable lack of sufficiently skilled pianists.

To turn to pleasanter matters, a hearty welcome is extended to Messrs. Hickox and Exton and their 'cellos, to Hermitte and his cornet and to G. H. Foggitt and Herring and their flutes. All others wishing to join should apply at once to Mr. Baylis, in Room 69.

This term's repertoire is extremely varied. Handel's solemn Scipio March, Mozart's twinkling and almost weird Turkish March, the delightfully enchanting melodies of Sullivan's Gondoliers, and the stateliness of the London Symphony, and of the late Sir Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance.

At this term's Concert, there is to be an innovation. The string section of the Orchestra is to accompany a percussion band in a medley of American Airs. There is to be one of the flute and clarinet duets which proved so popular some time ago, now to be performed by K. D. and C. H. Foggitt, and a violin solo by H. Y. Larder.

It is hoped that a concert will be given some time during the Easter Term, which the School is earnestly requested to support.

Let me conclude with Haywood's well-worn pun : " Come and join our happy band."

H. Y. L.

Library Notes

IF you ever read Sheridan-which of course, you never  do - you will recognize the following dialogue :­

Sir Anthony : " In my way hither, Mrs. Malaprop, I observed your niece's maid coming forth from a circulating library ! She had a book in each hand-they were half-bound volumes, with marble covers! From that moment I guessed how full of duty I should see her mistress."

Mrs. Malaprop : " Those are vile places indeed ? "

Sir Anthony : " Madam, a circulating library in a town is an ever-green tree of diabolical knowledge ! It blossoms through the year ! And depend on it, Mrs. Malaprop, that they who are so fond of handling the leaves, will long for the fruit at last."

The greater part of the Middle and Upper School seem to share Sir Anthony's whole-hearted distrust, and the fear that they might unwittingly educate themselves makes them turn a stern back on the more worth-while literature which is to be found in the English and History Libraries. " These are not for us," they murmur, these scholarly-covered books are for the use of the Sixth, who consider in their happy ignorance that a judicious display of their covers in public gives them (the Sixth) an air of profound learning. They will no doubt refuse to believe us when we say that the books are quite frequently read as well as carried. But perhaps their suspicious attitude toward the History Library is engendered by the fact that their knowledge of the literature concerning History is confined to a work of Mr. Southgate, which while forming an adequate " swot book," is nevertheless a true " weariness to the flesh" in the reading. They must not make the mistake of generalising from one particular book and so condemning all when they really mean to condemn only one.

On looking back at past Library Notes, we find this almost universal refusal to use the English and History Libraries forms ground for a constant complaint. We are, therefore, quite aware that upon ninety-five per cent. of the few that may have read so far, this plea will not have the slightest effect. But to that remaining five per cent. may we add that the respective English and History librarians will always be glad to let you have what books you want-provided that they don't want them themselves. And to the ninety-five per cent., may we ask that they should suppress one or two of their members who insist on defacing the periodicals in the Library with notes of humorous intent.

P. W. Y.


"It's an ill wind . . . . "

Higher Certificate syllabus inevitably cries out for textual com­ment and critical appreciation, and has smoothed the way for the advent of The Metaphysical Poets, by J. B. Leishman, and Four Metaphysical Poets, by Joan Bennett (no relation, we are told). So ends the reign of Choas and old night ; we come to understand the subtle, modern, self-analytic mind moving in a world of mediaeval thought, the abstract, frigid, scholastic intellect and the quickest senses, the forced conceits and passionate sincerity, the harsh utterance and the snatches of angels' music of the metaphysics.

Amongst other acquisitions if T. S. Eliot's Elizabethan Essays. Eliot must have his squib ; and in this collection his squib is Cyril Tourneur." ... although the tragedies which make immortal the name of Cyril Tourneur are accessible to everyone in the new Mermaid edition ... " he writes. But in the study on Hamlet the author is at his best constructive level. He points out that the play, not the prince, is the problem, and he shows that creative critics, Goethe and Coleridge for example, have often found in Hamlet a vicarious existence for their own artistic realisation. We have heard it said that Mr. Eliot has more than a mere author's interest in the firm of Faber and Faber. Nevertheless, we are inclined to agree with the publishers when they say that this little book forms an excellent introduction to the Elizabethan period, and (a cunning after-thought this!), to the main body of Mr. Eliot's literary criticism. We regret that Dekker is not included within the scope of the book.

W. J. S.


This term the History Library has been increased by eight volumes, of which the most interesting are : Oliver Cromwell, by John Buchan ; The England of Charles II, by Arthur Bryant ; A History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century, by Croce and The Later Stuarts, by W. N. Clark.

Mr. Buchan's book is carefully written and fully documented, and contains ten coloured maps which are useful besides being ornamental. The story is told in a rather dramatic fashion, but facts are not distorted and truth is not sacrificed to the epigram. In his Preface, Mr. Buchan explains his objects in writing this book ; " Partly because I wished to add to my portrait of Montrose ; partly because Oliver Cromwell has lately been made the subject of various disquisitions, especially on the Continent, which seem tome to be remote from the truth." He has indeed succeeded in his first object and his book is a worthy companion-volume to his " Life of Montrose," but the success of his second object is more doubtful. Broadly speaking, there are two ways of regarding Oliver ; either as the most skilful plotter and dissembler in English history, or as an extremely conscientious and religious man, irresolute and vacillating when off the battle field and coming to a decision only when, as he thought, God had spoken in some happening, or series of happenings. Mr. Buchan takes the latter view, but he does not press home his arguments, and (unlike Oliver), retires from the battle when the enemy are almost routed. Mr. Buchan still remains more of a story-teller than a historian.

S. G. S.

The translator of Benedetto Croce's History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century has let himself be guided by the criterion " tradurre senza tradire " ; the Italian periods are difficult, but not unreadable. Now Croce is not one of your flat, ruddy and comfortable philosophers. The unshaken equanimity of his history of the Religion of Liberty springs not from indifference, but from reasoned conviction. More than a Mussolini, he knows, cannot destroy the liberal principle. What is most surprising of all, to one previously ignorant of his work, he shows no inclination to surrender to a false, sentimental internationalism of a type almost as bad as the Fascism which he deplores. He is content to look at Europe from the vantage point of Italy, the country he best understands.


It has been the time-honoured custom of the classical sixth for each of its members, upon leaving the School, to present at least one volume to the classical library. In this way the library has received a certain amount of improvement, but it is yet far from being sufficiently representative of the classical period of history. Can we look to our numerous colleagues on the sixth and transitus modern side who help to empty the shelves, for support in our attempt to fill them ? I hope we shall receive a material reply.

The library will be closed for the Christmas holidays to allow for the urgently-needed re-arrangement and renumbering of the books. All books must be returned by 15th December. The library will re-open upon the first day of next term.:­

The following are new books added this term.

Greek Byways, T. R. Glover, presented by E. Crabtree.

Demosthenes, Olynthiacs, Philippics and Minor Orations, translated by J. H. Vince. (Loeb Edition), presented by Hy. Robinson.

Petronius, translated by M. Heseltine ; Seneca, Apocolocyntosis, translated by W. H. D. Rouse. (Leob Edition), presented by D. Howe.

The Augustan Principate, M. Hammond, presented by Mr. C. G. Allen.

" This book makes a fresh study of the aims and achievements of Augustus in the field of constitutional theory and practice, so far as Rome can be said to have had a constitution. The discussion commences with a short treatment of the concept of ` imperium ' and of the development of the promagistracy and extraordinary commands under the Republic. In connection with it there are chapters on the title ` imperator,' the interference of the Emperor in the senatorial provinces, and the succession. Later chapters deal with the other organs of government, and with the legislative, judicial and administrative aspects of government."-Publisher's Note. D. W. B.

House Notes.


Now that House football matches are in progress again we realise even more, through his absence, the ability of Tuchschmid. Although the House 1st XI has done nothing brilliant, every member has been doing his best ; games have been contested well and with energy, and good performances were made against Sherwood and Wentworth. The 2nd XI, however, under the captaincy of D. L. Fletcher gained two victories against these Houses, and now Bool will continue to lead this team to a high position, we hope, in the 2nd XI League Table. The 3rd XI play a fair game.

Ashford is to be congratulated upon his seemingly permanent position in the School 2nd XI, and upon prolific goal scoring in House matches. In Lumb we have lost a first-class athlete, and wish him every_ success in his new sphere.

With regard to scholastic achievements we congratulate all those a ho have been successful in the recent public examinations, and in particular, G. M. I. Bloom, who gained a State Scholarship on the result of the Higher School Certificate .

The Scouts welcome all the recruits who have joined the Troop this term. With Mr. Mackay as Scoutmaster and H. Wilkinson as Troop-Leader we expect great things for the future.


At the end of last term we said good-bye to Fisher, the Head of the House. He has served us well in Football, Cricket and Fives for many years, and all join in wishing him the very best of luck. We also have to record the loss of D. F. Carr, who devoted so much time to House Swimming before the last Sports, and of Bradbury, the House goalkeeper. We wish Carr every success in his career at the University. Congratulations to Nagle on being elected Head of the House ; we condole with him in his recent unfortunate illness, and also with the elder Holden. We hope to see them both back soon. Borrodell has proved himself a capable substitute in the absence of Nagle, as Captain of Football.

In spite of the various gaps in the team caused by departures and absences, we opened the season with our usual high hopes. We defeated Wentworth after being in a losing position at half-time, and then pro­ceeded to lose rather badly to Haddon, and to Welbeck. We have now, however, two of our stiffest games behind us, and hope to do better in the remaining matches. The two junior elevens have a rather better record : the 2nd XI has won 1, lost 0, and the 3rd XI continues its unbroken succession of wins from last term, unabated ; all of which augurs well for the future of Footer in the House.

Swimming languishes as usual this term, but we shall resume activities in this direction next year. Swimmers will have rosy hopes of the long-wanted and at-last-promised School Bath. The question is, will it fill all the School close, or only half of it ? House Fives is in a flourishing condition ; there are many beginners, a number of regular players, and we hope to have two representatives of the House in the School 2nd IV.


Clumber has no need to be gloomy about its present position in the school. Since the beginning of term, under the capable leadership of Youens as Football Captain, not one of our teams has lost a match, with the result that out present position is very good. The First XI beat Wentworth 6-3, Sherwood, after a hard but good game, 5-2, and Went­worth, 8-2. We offer, our hearty congratulations to Clumber's new Prefects, and to Dobson and Melling for their places in the School 1st XI. Dobson is not only a member of the School's 1st Football XI. but is also a member of the School's 1st Fives Team, and under his capable leader­ship House Fives are sure to be in a flourishing state. As for Scouting in the House, it is in its usual healthy state, and a report will be found elsewhere in this magazine. We are very sorry to hear that Colquhoun has found it impossible to continue his duties as Head of the House, owing to pressure of work, and Scutt R. has been appointed his suc­cessor.


Haddon has been weakened this year by the departure not only of Howe and Fletcher, mentioned in a previous issue of this mag., but by that of Dawtry, House Captain, captain of cricket, and a stalwart in football, swimming, running and fives. But the House is compensated by Mr. Prins' consenting to become House Tutor. We offer him a hearty welcome.

Congratulations to Haddon's new Prefects, Smith, Boswell and Miller ; also to the latter on being appointed captain of Haddon fives, and to Boswell on his appointment as captain of Haddon swimming.

In football the house, ably led by R. Gray, is doing what was expected of it. The 1st XI, five of whose players are in the school 1st XI, and 2 in the 2nd XI, has won all three matches against Lynwood, Chatsworth and Arundel, with the splendid figures of 45 goals for, 4 against. We have, moreover, several promising players in the school junior teams ; the House 2nd XI has also done well, having dropped only 1 point, whilst the 3rd XI has lost two points.


At the beginning of this term Sherwood suffered an irreparable loss through the enforced retirement of Mr. Watkins, Sherwood's first House­master, and it was with deepest regret that we have since learnt of his death. As his successor we welcome Mr. Hickox. Last term we lost, among others, S. E. Boler, who was for many years one of the mainstays of the House, G. Laughton, who is to be congratulated on his Scholarship, and J. R. Schofield, one of the leading Sherwood Scouts.

Turning to the events of this term we must congratulate J. A. Spedding on gaining a place in the School 1st Eleven. The House First Eleven has played well at times but has been inconsistent, the other two elevens have at least been consistent, having lost all their matches to date. The Scouts have been reorganised this term, there now being two patrols under the leadership of J. McInnes and D. Pashley, but more recruits are still needed.


Four senior members of the House : Brown, Pogson, Pearce and Damms left last term. Hearty congratulations to L. S. Brown, who is now at St. John's Oxford, on his Founders' Exhibition, and to V. G. S. Damms, on his Edgar Allen Scholarship at Sheffield University.

At the House meeting at the beginning of term, Siddall was elected Head of the House and Graham, Captain of Football in succession to H. E. Pearson, and under his leadership the first XI has won two out of its first three matches. The fact that we were to play Haddon the first match of the season seemed to daunt certain members of the House XI and consequently we did not play up to standard. We lost by seven goals to three after a poor second half. However, for the next match we recovered and beat Welbeck by 4 goals to 3, after a close game. The third game against Sherwood was easily won by six goals to one. The second and third XI's have only won one game each so far ; both these were against Sherwood by fifteen goals to two and seventeen goals to none, respectively.

The House Social will be held at " Lynwood " at the end of this term. All members of the House should attend and help to make the Social a success. Remember that the Lynwood Social, both as regards the feast and enjoyment, is well worth attending.

Next term, the Cross-Country Run and Athletic Sports take place and all are advised to start training early, so that the Sports Cup may still repose in our house cupboard and that it may have a few more to keep it company.


After a lapse at the beginning of last cricket season, the House seemed to brighten up, but was unfortunate in drawing Haddon in the second round of the Knock-Out Competition. Had we drawn any other House we should surely have fought our way to the final, as at that time we were on the top of our form. As usual we started the football season badly this year, losing our first two matches. We have now found our feet again, however, and are hoping for a brighter finish. We entertain well-founded hopes for the future of the House, as we have in our ranks several promising youngsters. The Scouts are still doing well in conjunction with Wentworth, and did not return empty-handed from the Scouts' Annual Dinner.

We are sorry to report that the House has lost a great organiser and sportsman in Dick Coulton, but we wish him the best of luck in his new career as a veterinary Surgeon. We must not forget our three other stalwarts, Vickers, Devereux, and Bly, who also have left us to tread their separate paths in the busy world.


Our achievements on the football field have been undistinguished. The first eleven has had occasional flashes of inspiration during which it has played very well, but, for the most part, our opponents have been too big for our forwards and too subtle for our defence. The loss of Griffith from goal has deprived the first eleven of its best player. The second and third elevens have shown none of the promise they showed last year and have been consistently mediocre.

We heartily congratulate Holroyd on winning the Under 14 Fives Singles Championship, and Buckley and Holroyd on winning the Under 14 Fives Doubles Championship, last term.

We lost two very valuable members of the House, Holloway and Gilpin, at the end of last term and we wish them the best of luck at Oxford and Sheffield Universities, respectively.



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